- trust fund program 信托基金方案
- A profligate heir who decimated his trust fund. 急剧减少信托基金的恣意挥霍的继承人
- She set up a trust fund for her children. 她为子女设立了一个信托基金。
- We're putting money into a trust fund. 我们在信用基金方面投资。
- He set up a trust fund for his niece. 他为侄女建立了信托基金。
- A profligateheir who decimated his trust fund. 急剧减少信托基金的恣意挥霍的继承人。
- Shay: Well, I was thinking of using my trust fund. 夏伊:这个嘛,我打算动用我的信讬基金。
- The name and term of the securities investment trust fund. 二证券投资信?基金之名称及其存续期间。
- Your trust fund ... your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. 他空空茫茫的眼睛里,只有那个傻胖子痴痴的笑。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund, administered by a board of trustees. 该基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委员会管理。
- He appropriated the trust funds for himself. 他挪用信托资金。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund,administered by a board of trustees. 该基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委员会管理。
- Ghani said, the EU pledged 15 million euros to the UN Development Program for assisting Afghanistan and at the same time also pledged 15 million euros to the "World Bank Trust Fund" for assisting Afghan Interim Government to solve its budget difficulties. 哈尼说,欧盟承诺向联合国开发计划署提供1500万欧元用于援助阿富汗,同时承诺向“世行管理信任基金”提供1500万欧元,用于帮助阿富汗临时政府解决财政预算困难。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund, administered by a board of trustees . 该基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委员会管理。
- These days a benevolent billionaire might set up a charitable trust fund. 这些天,一位乐善好施的亿万富翁可能会成立一个公益信托基金会。
- A bank had billions of dollars in clients' trust funds to invest. 银行吸引了几十亿美元的客户信托金供投资之用。
- To release financial burdens for people affected by leprosy when they are admitted to hospital because of diseases and accidents, HANDA set up Communal Fund Program and put in practice in December. 为了减轻康复者因疾病或意外事故住院所产生的医疗开支负担,协会于2003年设立公共基金项目。
- She enjoys an excellent income from her trust funds. 她从信托基金中享有丰厚的收入。
- In the Philippines, the Our Lady of Lourdes RVC Multipurpose Cooperative, Inc., established a revolving loan fund program to assist citizens in developing and sustaining micro-enterprises. 在菲律宾,露德圣母扶轮乡村服务团多重目的合作企业(OurLadyofLourdesTCVMultipurposeCooperative;Inc.;)成立了一个循环贷款基金计划,协助菲国人民发展与维系微型企业。