- trunk delay working 长途迟缓接续制
- Early debate over sensitive issues can be divisive and can delay work on more productive aspects. 早期對敏感議題的爭議可能會耽延較具建設性的部分。
- In those days scientific researchers had to scour about for equipment and materials, which delayed work and wasted time; it was a great loss. 一些科研人员到处去跑器材,耽误事情,浪费时间,是一种很大的损失。
- He crammed all his clothes into the trunk. 他把他所有的衣服硬塞进皮箱。
- Do you think this trunk will hold all our clothes? 这个箱子你想能装得下我们所有的衣裳吗?
- He cut off the branches from the trunk. 他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。
- The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。
- No delay! We urgently need these books. 决不要拖延!我们急需这些书。
- The elephant's trunk is a unique appendage. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。
- The delay made the patient go purple in the face. 时间的拖延使病人脸色发紫。
- The lines were jammed up with trunk calls. 电话线路全给长途通话占了。
- We decided to delay our wedding until next year. 我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。
- The trunk was packed with clothes. 箱子里装满了衣裳。
- The trunk of a palm or tree fern. 棕榈树或树蕨的树干
- I owe you an apology for the delay. 我该为这次耽搁向您道歉。
- He got engaged to her when working in Xian. 他是在西安工作时和她订婚的。
- Please see into this matter without delay. 请立即调查这件事情。
- He jibbed at working overtime every day. 他不愿每天都加班加点。
- The victim's dismemberedbody was found in a trunk. 在一只大箱子里发现了受害者遭肢解的躯体。
- The basketball players are working out at the gym. 篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行训练。