- upward jump with trunk bending sideways 挺身侧腾越
- trunk bending sideways 体侧屈
- rhythmical trunk bending downwards 有节奏的体前屈下振
- I bent sideways over a bench. 我歪倒在一个工作台上。
- I bent sideways over a bench . 我歪倒在一个工作台上。
- He crammed all his clothes into the trunk. 他把他所有的衣服硬塞进皮箱。
- The trunks bend and grow on the ground, their tips incline up- ward.Their leaves are conifer- ous, with yellow staminate flowers and purple female flowers, as well as slightly oval-shaped seeds. 为常绿小乔木,分枝很多,主干伏在地面生长,末端斜而向上,针状叶,雄花黄色,雌花紫色,球果紫褐色,种子略呈卵形。
- Do you think this trunk will hold all our clothes? 这个箱子你想能装得下我们所有的衣裳吗?
- He cut off the branches from the trunk. 他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。
- The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- We had to get through the narrow opening sideways. 我们不得不侧身穿过这狭窄的通道。
- The elephant's trunk is a unique appendage. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。
- He cast a sideways glance at me. 他斜视我一眼。
- The act or posture of bending low or crouching. 下蹲,蹲伏下蹲或蹲伏的动作或姿势
- The lines were jammed up with trunk calls. 电话线路全给长途通话占了。
- The trunk was packed with clothes. 箱子里装满了衣裳。
- The trunk of a palm or tree fern. 棕榈树或树蕨的树干
- She bend over backwards to show it. 她拼命把他显露出来。
- The victim's dismemberedbody was found in a trunk. 在一只大箱子里发现了受害者遭肢解的躯体。