- He played a tune on his trumpet. 他用小号吹奏了一首曲子。
- trumpet newsreader 传播专题论坛阅读器
- A blast of the trumpet gave her a start. 突然发出的喇叭声吓了她一跳。
- I'm not blowing my own trumpet, but I did all the top jobs. 我并不是自吹自擂,但所有的重要工作都是我干的。
- The elephant's trumpet was very loud and rather frightening. 象的吼声很响很可怕。
- James plays the trumpet or something of the kind. 詹姆斯吹奏小喇叭或类似的乐器。
- Keep studying and you can become a newsreader. 不断学习,你会成为一名新闻播音员的。
- The radio trumpet ed the news all over the world. 无线电把这消息向全世界宣布。
- You needn't blow your own trumpet. 你用不着大吹大擂。
- The trumpet resounded through the hall. 喇叭响彻大厅。
- I want a trumpet, two tubas and a bugle. 我要一把小号,两把大号和一把号角。
- He plays the violin, but I play the trumpet. 他拉提琴,我吹喇叭。
- The neighbours' children want to learn to play the trumpet, perish the thought! 邻居的孩子想学吹小号,但愿他们别学!
- A medieval trumpet with a shrill, clear tone. 尖音小号,号角中世纪号角,能发出尖利、清晰的音响
- Mike sold his trumpet to buy me a wedding ring. 为给我买只结婚戒指,麦克卖掉了他的小号。
- His strength as a newsreader lies in his training as a journalist. 他胜任新闻广播员的工作,在于他有当过记者的锻炼。
- That man is blowing his own trumpet unashamedly. 那名男子正毫无羞耻地在自我吹嘘。
- Yes, Ananova, the world's first "virtual" newsreader. 是的,爱诺娃,世界上第一个“虚拟”新闻广播员。
- You need not blow your own trumpet. 你用不着大吹大擂。
- Now the dog is singing with the trumpet. 现在这只狗正在合着喇叭唱歌。