- She is a true believer in Buddhism. 她是一位真正的佛教信徒。
- Sen. Paul Wellstone, a Minnesota true believer in good old liberalism, has a base. They don't need polls. 参议员保罗 - 韦尔斯通,明尼苏达州一位坚定地信仰真正的老自由主义者,也有这样的支柱,他们都不需要选票。
- Some cards, such as the _Onslaught_ set's True Believer, grant shroud to players. 有些牌,例如_石破天惊_系列的真信者,会让牌手获得帷幕异能。
- And phone calls are only a third as effective if the caller is a hired mouth rather than a true believer. 如果电话员只是雇来的一张口而不是真正的信徒,那么前者进行电话联系产生的功效只有后者的三分之一。
- As a young teenager in proudly peaceable Canada during the romantic 1960s, I was a true believer in Bakunin's anarchism. 生于拥有可资自豪之和平的加拿大,作为十几岁的少年,在浪漫的1960年代,我曾经是巴枯宁无政府主义的忠实信众。
- True believers must cast down the temples of the false gods. 真正的信神者必须摧毁伪神庙宇。
- To achieve this important result should be the duty of every true believer whose profession, whatever it is, enables him to contribute from his vantage point. 实现这个重要的结果将是在专业上(无论它是什么)能够用其优势做出贡献的每一位真正的信徒的职责。
- True believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them. 忠诚的信徒们联合起来反对所有与他们意见不同的人。
- Many analysts and industry point out that HTC has become their "true believers. 很多分析师和业内人士表示,宏达电已把他们变成了“忠实的信徒”。
- A true believer is the one who has heard, accepted, and believed in the word of Christ, and has allowed it to penetrate into his/her heart, mind, and soul. 一个真正的信徒,就是那些听了基督的话、相信它、信靠它,且让它进入心中的人。
- Templar are the true believers, the keepers of the faith, and the destroyers of evil. 圣堂武士是虔诚的信徒,信仰的守护者,同时也是邪恶的掘墓人。
- He's a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言论自由的强烈信仰者。
- Occasionally the hysteria becomes fairly widespread as thousands of people turn into True Believers in order to reserve a good seat for the Ultimate Superbowl. 有时,这种歇斯底里会流传得 相当广泛,以至于成千上万的人转成了“真正的信教 者”,以便能预定到“最终超极杯赛”的好位子。
- They all looked at one another. It was the preacher from the True Believers, John Garrison. 众人面面相觑,原来是那位实信会牧师,约翰格里生。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- I am a believer with religious faith. 我是个宗教信徒。
- Like some other erstwhile true believers, he became one of most cogent critics of his former faith. 如同昔日的某些真正信徒一样,他也成为其原有信仰最有力的批判者之一。
- Question 80: Can true believers be infallibly assured that they are in the estate of grace, and that they shall persevere therein unto salvation? 问题80:真信徒是否能够毫无谬误地确知自己现在就是在蒙恩的光景中,并且因而持守,直到最终得救?
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 这本小说原先是从一个真实的爱情故事发展而来的。