- tropical summer monsoon 热带夏季风
- Heavy rains occur during a summer monsoon. 暴雨出现在一个夏季季风期
- Huang Shisong, Tang Mingmin. The Early Summer Flood Periods of Southern China and the summer monsoon circulation of East Asia. Journal of Tropical Meteorolog. 黄士松,汤明敏。我国南方初夏汛期和东亚季风环流。热带气象学报。
- High-resolution satellite data are used to analyze the features of the onset process of the tropical Asian summer monsoon (TASM) from the point of the climatology view. 摘要利用高分辨率卫星观测资料,从气候态角度分析了亚洲热带夏季风爆发特征。
- Impact of Indochina Deforestation on the East Asian Summer Monsoon. 印度支那半岛采伐森林对东亚夏季风的作用。
- Severe weather phenomena that can affect Hong Kong include tropical cyclones, strong winter and summer monsoon winds,monsoon troughs and thunderstorms with associated squalls that are most frequent from April to September. 影响香港的恶劣天气包括热带气旋、强烈冬季及夏季季候风、季风槽及经常在四月至九月发生的狂风雷暴。
- Severe weather phenomena that can affect Hong Kong include tropical cyclones,strong winter and summer monsoon winds,monsoon troughs and thunderstorms with associated squalls that are most frequent from April to September. 影响香港的恶劣天气包括热带气旋、强烈冬季及夏季季候风、季风槽及经常在四月至九月发生的狂风雷暴。
- The paper concerns low-frequency summer monsoon in the Southern Hemisphere. 本文是研究南半球低频夏季风的。
- Results show that SCS summer monsoon onset is enhanced with its LFO. 结果表明,南海夏季风的低频振荡对南海夏季风的爆发具有加强的作用;
- the tropical Asian summer monsoon 亚洲热带夏季风
- About 70% of the total rainfall as heavy downpour in the summer monsoon months and 30% in winter. 夏季季风季节的暴雨占总降雨量的70%25,冬季占30%25。
- The mechanism of the effect on the South China Sea summer monsoon of the Indo-China Peninsula is also discussed. 同时还就中南半岛影响南海夏季风建立和维持的机制进行了讨论。
- Winter monsoon normally blows from the north or from the east while summer monsoon typically blows from the southwest. 冬季季候风一般从北面或东面吹来,而夏季季候风则主要是西南风。
- The West African Monsoon Dynamics. Part II: The Preonset and Onset of the Summer Monsoon. 西非季风动力学,第二部分:夏季风提前爆发和爆发。
- Furthermore, the heat storage anomaly of December in the SCS can be used as a predictor for the onset of the SCS summer monsoon. 进一步分析还发现,南海12月份热含量异常可以作为南海夏季风爆发的一种预报指标。
- Local people speak of the inevitable summer monsoon, which will bring relief from the spring drought. 夏季季风,这即将如期而至的“春旱救星”,随之也成为当地人谈论的话题。
- Gentler but more persistent bad weather ? the downpours of the summer monsoon ? is also being taken into account. 缓和但持续的坏天气-夏季雨季的倾盆大雨-也被考虑。
- South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset in the 4th pentad of May 2004, it's close to normal year. 2003年南海夏季风首先于5月第5候在南海南部建立,在南部维持1-2候后向北推进,6月第1候全面爆发。
- the searing heat of a tropical summer 热带夏季灼人的热浪
- The results show that onset time of SCS summer monsoon is significantly negative related with its intensity. 结果表明:南海夏季风爆发日期和强度指数呈显著的反相关;