- They quickly trod out the fire in the grass . 他们迅速地把草中的火踩灭了。
- We first trod out a fire in the grass. 我们首先踩灭了草中的火。
- They quickly trod out the fire in the grass. 他们迅速地把草中的火踩灭了。
- Tread out the fire before you go. 你把火踩灭后再走。
- The man was wearing thick soled boots and easily trod out the fire. 那男人穿着厚底靴,不费什么力气就把火踩灭了。
- He was wearing a thick soled boots and easily trod out the fire . 他当时正穿着一双厚底靴子,因此就很容易地把火踩灭了。
- He was wearing thick soled boots and easily trod out the fire. 他当时正穿着厚底鞋子,很容易地踩灭了火。
- He easily trod out the fire with thick soled boots on feet. 他当时正穿着厚底鞋子,很容易地踩灭了火。
- Has all the juice been trodden out? 所有的果汁都踩榨出来了吗?
- Help me to tread out the grapes for this year's wine. 帮我就踩榨出葡萄汁来供今年做酒用。
- He was wearing a thick soled boots and easily trod out the fire. 他当时正穿着一双厚底靴子,因此就很容易地把火踩灭了。
- In some countries the farmers still tread out the grape juice for the wine . 在一些国家,农民们仍用踩榨的方法提取葡萄汁来酿酒。
- In some countries the peasants still tread out the grapes juice for the wine. 在有些国家,农民们仍用踩榨的方法取出葡萄汁来制酒。
- In some countries the farmers still tread out the grape juice for the wine. 在一些国家,农民们仍用踩榨的方法提取葡萄汁来酿酒。
- They crash the fruit juice by treading out it. 他们用脚把水果踩出汁液来。
- A little fire is quickly treaded out. 小火易扑灭。
- A littlefire is quickly trodden out. 小洞易补。
- A little fire is quickly trodden out. 小洞易补。
- In a transient period of time, we trod out an independent path despite vacillation, cataclysms, political turmoil and were more and more mature. 短暂的几十年,我们走出了自力更生,艰苦奋斗之路;我们抵制了彷徨,克服了自然灾害,平息了文化风暴,逐渐走向成熟。
- The treader will not tread out wine in the presses-I have made the harvest shout stop. 踹酒的在酒醡中不得踹出酒来;我使收割的欢呼止息了。