- You can see with what nicety we have to trim our sails between chemistry and history. 你瞧在化学课和历史课之间,我们需要多么小心地见风使舵。
- trim our sailsvi. 见风使舵(随机应变)
- trim our sails to the winevi. 见风使舵(随机应变)
- We have to trim our cost if we want to increase our profit. 我们如果想增加利润,就必须削减开支。
- Our smile is like wind in our sails. 我们的微笑扬起了我们远行的风帆。
- Our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds. 我们的帆船被逆风耽搁了。
- We have to trim our spending down to fit our income. 我们不得不削减我们的花费以适应于我们的收入。
- We shall have to trim our spending down to fit out income. 我们得削减开支,量入为出。
- We shadow the sea with our sails, and reelingly cleeve the brine. 将帆影撒在海面上,摇摇摆摆地劈开海水。
- We shadow the sea with our sails, and reelingly cleave the brine. 将帆影撒在海面上,摇摇摆摆地劈开海水。
- We shadow the sea with our sails, and reelingly cleeve the brine . 将帆影撒在海面上,摇摇摆摆地劈开海水。
- We shall have to trim our spending down to fit our income. 我们只得削减开支以使收支平衡。
- This often delayed our sailing schedules. 这常常耽误我们的航行日期。
- We can motor all morning, and when the prevailing afternoon Westerly comes up, we can raise our sails, kill the engine, and keep going. 我们可以整个早上靠引擎航行,当下午的西风吹起,我们可以扬帆、关掉引擎,继续前进。
- Come on and join us, let us set our sails of English-dreams and become the sailors of our Sailor English Association, so as to drive our ship to a most vast sea. 加入我们,和我们一起共同努力扬起刻着梦想的帆儿,共同成为掌舵的英语水手,将我们的英语社的船儿驶向那片更为广阔的海洋。
- Toward evening,our sailing boat met with a beating wind. 黄昏时分,我们的帆船遇上了顶头风。
- Toward evening, our sailing boat met with a beating wind. 黄昏时分,我们的帆船遇上了顶头风。
- We had to trim a lot off our travel budget. 我们当时只好大量削减旅行预算。
- Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。