- A woodland plant(Cardamine diphylla) of eastern North America, having fleshy rootstocks, trifoliolate leaves, and clusters of white or pinkish flowers. 三叶碎米荠一种产于北美东部的森林植物(三叶碎米荠),生有肉质根茎和有三小叶的叶片,开白色或粉红色花簇
- This species usually possesses simple leaves, whereas trifoliolate leaves are also recorded. 本种通常拥有单叶,而具三小叶的叶也被记录。
- A woodland plant(Cardamine diphylla)of eastern North America,having fleshy rootstocks,trifoliolate leaves,and clusters of white or pinkish flowers. 三叶碎米荠一种产于北美东部的森林植物(三叶碎米荠),生有肉质根茎和有三小叶的叶片,开白色或粉红色花簇
- A tropical African shrub (Cajanus cajan) of the pea family, having trifoliolate leaves, yellow or orange flowers, hairy pods, and small edible seeds. 木豆:热带非洲一种豆科灌木(木豆木豆属),具有带三小叶的叶片、呈黄色或桔黄色的花、多毛豆荚以及小而可食的种子
- A tropical African shrub(Cajanus cajan) of the pea family, having trifoliolate leaves, yellow or orange flowers, hairy pods, and small edible seeds. 木豆:热带非洲一种豆科灌木(木豆木豆属),具有带三小叶的叶片、呈黄色或桔黄色的花、多毛豆荚以及小而可食的种子
- Any of various herbs of the genus Trifolium in the pea family, having trifoliolate leaves and dense heads of small flowers and including species grown for forage, for erosion control, and as a source of nectar for honeybees. 苜蓿,三叶草一种豆科三叶草属的草本植物,长有三小叶,开密簇小花,包括用作饲料的、防止水土流失的及作为蜜蜂蜜源的品种
- Trifoliolate leaf area was measured after the top leaf was fully expanded, seed weight each node was measured after harvest, and the ratio of seed weight/leaf area each node was calculated. 结果表明,两种结荚习性大豆品种均存在顶端结荚优势,使倒数第2节位的粒重受到很大影响。
- the leaflets of the trifoliolate leaves 三出叶的小叶
- formation of trifoliolate leaves 形成三出叶
- typical mature trifoliolate leaf 典型的成熟三出叶
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- Some moths simulate dead leaves. 有些蛾拟态为枯叶。
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- Elephants strip the leaves from trees. 大象剥去了树上的叶子。
- The Present Situation of The Connection between the Traits of Trifoliolate Leaves and The Formation of Yield in Soybean 大豆复叶性状与产量形成关系的研究现状
- The light was diffused by the leaves. 树叶使光线漫射。
- Morally she leaves much to be desired. 从道德上讲她缺点不少。
- Leaf blade trifoliolate or 2-ternately dissected. 叶片具三小叶的或2回三出多裂。
- He leaves his car in the hotel car park. 他把车停放在旅馆的停车场。