- U r just lyk my sun, lighten up my heart! ??是我的太阳,照亮了我的心!
- He used to do such work as he could pick up. 他惯常能够找到什么活就干什么活。
- The driver stopped to pick up a hitchhiker. 司机停下来让一个搭车人上了车。
- It's against the rule to pick up the ball. 捡球是犯规的。
- He stopped the car to pick up the boy. 他停下车来搭一个男孩。
- So no matter who u r, no matter wat happens, don't give up just yet. 也许男女本来就是应该不公平的,不过当他们在一起的时候,一切就都公平完美了。
- I pick up a leaflet about the care of teeth. 我拿起一张宣传保护牙齿的传单。
- Congratulation , Iraq , u r the best ! 把最好的祝福献给伊拉克!
- I'll call by and pick up my tools. 我会顺便过来取我的工具。
- U r a good fucker.....and kis my asshole..... 你卤味..无系仲有其他个咩...
- The movement continued to pick up steam. 这场运动继续在加速进行。
- Cut it out!Who do u think u r?u mak me sik! 你不会想到的.
- The bus stop to pick up passenger. 汽车停下来搭乘客。
- Vivi:believe or not,u r gonna enj... 永远,都想相信爱,亲爱的。其实,我们都还小,这个世界,会...
- I must go to the bakery and pick up some rolls and cake. 我必须到面包店买些面包和蛋糕。
- You should pick up the tools after work. 工作结束后应该把工具收拾好。
- Taxis cruised about, hoping to pick up late fares. 计程车以中等速度转来转去,希望能招揽到晚归的乘客。
- Where did you pick up with that person? 你在什么地方认识那人的?
- Are you ready to pick up the gauntlet? 你做好应战准备了吗?
- I think u r a cool guy. BTW, do you know how to boot that guy? 我想你是酷哥。顺道一问,你知道该怎么踢那人吗?