- The governing of Arab tribes is a tricky business. 管理阿拉伯族人是一件奸诈的工作。
- Getting it to fit exactly is a tricky business. 使这完全合适是件很难做到的事。
- Fishing on ice is a tricky business. 在冰上钓鱼是需要技巧的事。
- Making the compound was a tricky business initially. 一开始,要制造出这种化合物并不是很容易。
- The bad news is that forecasting asteroid impacts remains a tricky business. 坏消息是预测小行星撞击不是件容易事。
- Most people don't like change, so roll-outs are inherently a tricky business. 很多人并不喜欢改变,因此,改版必定是件冒点风险的事情。
- Gauging the future of automotive design is a tough and tricky business. 衡量未来的汽车设计是一个艰难和复杂的业务。
- Gratuity can be a tricky business: What's just right in one country can be miserly or extrava gant in another. 给小费是一件棘手的事情,在一个国家适当数目的小费在另一个国家可能会被认为太吝啬或是太阔绰。
- Much of the second half is taken up with the devilishly tricky business of trying to extract causation from correlation. 下半部分的大部分内容处理的是努力从相关性引出因果关系这种特别微妙的做法。
- These findings underline the point that ascertaining consciousness is a tricky business. 这些发现显示,判断意识是一件微妙而必须谨慎从事的工作。
- Ross: (blows her a kiss) Okay the sleeping thing. Very tricky business, but there is something you can do. 狡猾的;机智的;巧妙的;不易处理的,需要技巧的(工作等),错综复杂的。
- Altering either of these fundamental brain circuits without subverting some essential function is tricky business. 它们是脑的基本线路,想改变任何一个,又不伤及重要的脑功能,实在很不容易。
- Maneuvering the six giant black shapes out of a formation of sixty-odd vessels by starlight was a tedious tricky business. 要借那希微的星光从一队60多艘舰艇当中调动那六条黑黝黝的庞然大物,这确是一种沉闷和繁重的工作。
- It all adds up to a tricky business for the many home insurance companies who now offer their services in the marketplace. 它的所有添加到棘手的业务,为许多家庭保险的公司,现在谁提供服务,在市场上。
- It only helps tricky businesses to continue cheating, covered in good name. 它只会帮助狡猾的商家继续以美好的名目欺骗消费者。
- Crafting co-opetition deals is a tricky business, not least because potential partners need to swallow their pride first. 安排”合作竞争”是很讲究的一门学问,一个重要原因是潜在的合作伙伴必须先收起自己的傲慢。
- Though they might wince at our headline, The Mariscals were glad to sit down with this writer recently to enumerate some of the ins and outs of what can be a very tricky business. 虽然美国好施集团可能并不太符合我们标题中的称谓,但是马利父子最近仍然乐于与本文作者列举一些错综复杂的出口业务中的一些细节。
- It's a tricky business. 这是一件巧妙的事。
- "Though they might wince at our headline, The Mariscals were glad to sit down with this writer recently to enumerate some of the ins and outs of what can be a very tricky business. 虽然美国好施集团可能并不太符合我们标题中的称谓,但是马利父子最近仍然乐于与本文作者列举一些错综复杂的出口业务中的一些细节。
- He's a tricky fellow to do business with. 他诡计多端难以共事。