- This man is quite tricky and undependable. 这个人油头滑脑,很不可靠。
- You can't be so tricky and unreasonable! 你不能这样刁赖,不讲道理!
- In Tudor's eyes, Ireland was full of independent and unruly lords. 在都铎国王看来,爱尔兰充斥着独立不羁的领主。
- Domestics are in all countries a spoiled and unruly set. 无论在哪个国家,家务都是桩败兴而又难以驾驭的事情。
- From your body emitting a break away from all of the unrestrained and unruly. 从你的身体里散发出冲破一切的奔放与不驯。
- But the objective type can be very tricky and the answer sheets confusing. 但是客观类型的题很容易使人上当并且答案迷惑人。
- You will suffer for your laziness and unruliness. 你迟早会为你的懒惰和任性付出代价。
- This is the company I used to work for. I quit because everybody there was tricky and deceptive. 我以前就是在这家公司上班, 我辞职, 因为那里每一个人都很奸诈善骗。
- The parents showed remarkable forbearance toward their defiant and unruly son. 父母对儿子的桀骜不驯示以了极大宽容。
- Later on, trickier and more emotive subjects are tackled. 随后,作者们讨论了更微妙、更情绪化的问题。
- We will eliminate all our enemies, no matter how tricky and persistent they are. 敌人再刁顽,我们也要把他们一网打尽。
- Making teh tarik (pulled tea) can be tricky and dangerous, even with the help of gravity. 即使是在有重力的情况下,泡制拉茶也是存在诀窍和危险的。
- Pulling was a straightforward business of getting fares or not, whereas peddling was tricky and he didn't know the ropes. 拉车是一冲一撞的事,成就成,不成就拉倒; 做小买卖得苦对付,他不会。
- It can be a side effect of drugs, from antihistamines to beta blockers. Therefore, diagnosis can be tricky and time-consuming. 它可能是药物的副作用,是抗组织胺类药或?-受体阻滞药所引起的。因此,诊断是棘手的,也是耗费时间的。
- There are some rubbers that have its parameters adjusted so tricky and extremely that can RANDOMIZE the spin they impart on the ball. 有一些胶皮的性质是诡异到它打出来的球是不绝对的。
- "He's a big, powerful lad who is very tricky and could be capable of pieces of brilliance that will hopefully win games single-handedly. “他非常的厉害,很机警,或许有些时候靠他一人我们就可以高枕无忧。
- Used in an application where you are trying to funnel this source into a lightpipe can be tricky and coupling inefficient. 在一些应用中你会发现它是难处理和耦合效率不佳的去尝试将光注入光管。
- It may be irresponsible and unruly, but it belongs more to China than to the United States. 朝鲜可以不负责任也可以不受管制,但是根美国相比,它更属于中国。
- Growing up unable to comprehend the world around her, Helen became wild and unruly, until her parents found help. 在成长的过程中,她无法了解周围的一切,变得狂躁而难以管教,最后她的父母只好求助于他人。
- The moral of the story is that performance tuning is a tricky and complex business, and any changes should always be tested to see whether they make a difference. 我们想说的是:性能调整是一件麻烦而复杂的事,对任何更改都要进行测试以了解它们是否有影响。