- triamcinolone acetate 去炎松
- OBJECTIVE:To the assay triamcinolone acetonide acetate in Quwan solution. 目的:测定“去万溶液”中醋酸曲安奈德的含量。
- Objective To prepare triamcinolone acetonide acetate gel and to establish its quality control method. 目的制备醋酸曲安奈德凝胶,并建立其质量控制方法。
- The determine triamcinolone acetonide acetate in fusong cream.by Spectrophotometry. 采用分光光度法测定,结果方法回收率为100。
- Cerium Acetate is soluble in water. 说明:醋酸铈溶于水。
- Thermal Bind -with steel spine and acetate covers. 热结合钢脊柱和醋酸覆盖。
- KGM acetate was good thermoplastic material. KGM醋酸酯具有较好的热塑性。
- Cellulose acetate or any of various products, especially fibers, derived from it. 醋酸纤维素醋酸纤维素或其多种制品,尤指从中提取的纤维质
- Triamcinolone belongs to a group of medicines known as corticosteroids. 曲安奈德属于皮质甾类一类的药品。
- Sodium acetate: Irritant. Handle with usual caution. 醋酸钠:刺激物。按正常程序小心处理。
- Small lesions may be injected with triamcinolone or methylprednisolone. 糜烂面积很小时,可以注射曲安奈德或甲泼尼龙。
- Conclusion:Keloid can be effectively treated with triamcinolone acetonide. 结论:曲安奈德注射液能够有效治疗瘢痕疙瘩。
- Ethyl acetate(71. 41b)was added to the slurry in the vessel. 把醋酸乙酯71.;4磅加到容器中的浆液内。
- Insoluble in water but soluble in hot ammonium acetate. 不溶于水,能溶于热的醋酸铵。
- Acetate was degraded by denitrifying activated sludge. 本文报道脱氮活性污泥降解乙酸根的过程。
- The yield of anhydrous plumbous acetate is also very high. 该方法操作简便,反应时间短,得到的无水醋酸铅的收率也较高。
- The yield of dimethoxy methyl aceto acetate can be reached 55.3 %. 二甲氧基乙酰乙酸甲酯的收率可达53.;3%25。
- To establish the reference standard of octreotide acetate. 建立首批醋酸奥曲肽的国家对照品。
- No ethyl acetate and cyclohexane were determined in specimen. 被测样品中未检测出环己烷,检出乙酸乙酯。
- But there is also a little acetate in the bicarbonate dialysate. 论文题目: 柠檬酸碳酸氢盐透析液对淋巴细胞亚群的影响及柠檬酸酶学检测方法的建立 专 业: 内科学 硕 士 生: 王 婷 指导教师: 桂保松 副教授 摘 要 目的 碳酸氢盐透析液已经明显改善了醋酸盐透析液所导致的并发症,但其中仍含有小剂量的醋酸,无法完全避免醋酸盐所引起的慢性代谢性酸中毒、慢性高磷血症、炎性因子分泌亢进等并发症。