- Should this be found to be true after re-examination, the people's court shall conduct a trial de novo. 经人民法院审查属实的,应当再审。
- The trial de novo of a case returned shall be conducted by a newly organized collegiate bench in the trial court in accordance with the procedure of first instance. 发回重审的案件,原审人民法院应当按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭。
- trial de novo [法] 重审
- The de novo synthesis of PC increases in PE-SWD. 以同位素示踪法测得海水淹溺后肺组织初始原料合成(de novo)的TPL和DSPC增加。
- And such an inhibition might necessitate de novo protein synthesis. 而这种抑制作用需要新的蛋白质合成。
- The mutation,G2043R is cause of patient with DEB.It is a mutation of de novo. COL7A1基因的G2043R突变可能是引起本例临床表现的原因,且是一个denovo突变。
- The de novo synthesis of dioxins formation is introduced in this article. 介绍了二恶英的从头合成机理。
- The experiments showed that KT promoted SOD de novo biosynthesis mainly on the transciriptional level. 试验表明,激动素主要是在转录水平上促进SOD的从头合成。
- The 12-month all-cause mortality was 27.4%, and was higher among those with decompensated congestive HF (33.5%) than the de novo HF group. 12个月的全因死亡率为27.;4%25,并且失代偿性充血性心力衰竭组(33
- The other component includes metachronous tumors that arise de novo in a preneoplastic cirrhotic liver. 其他成分,包括在肿瘤(发生)前的硬变肝内出现新形成的异时肿瘤。
- The psoriasis with leukemia was similar to de novo leukemia in its clinical feature and results of laboratory test. 银屑病患白血病者的临床表现、治疗效果及染色体结果与原发性白血病改变相类似。
- Evi-1 expression was positive in 6 Of 9 post-MDS AML while only in 5 of 34 de novo AML patients (p<0.01). Evi-1和MDS1-Evi-1表达阳性的MDS病例没有发现3号染色体异常,但8例7号染色体异常(-7)的患者中,7例Evi-1表达阳性。
- MDS1-Evi-1 expression was found in 6 of 9 post-MDS AML and 8 of 34 de novo AML patients (p<0.05). Evi-1或MDS1-Evi-1表达阳性和阴性MDS病例之间骨髓细胞凋亡相关参数没有明显差异。 这两个基因表达阳性患者的CFU-GM,CFU-E和BFU-E平均产率较各自表达阴性者有不同程度的减少。
- A case from the same era called for de novo review of whether a ratesetting order was confiscatory. 同一年代的一个案件要求重新审查某一确定价格的命令是否应当收日。
- Methods and Results:Peptides were sequenced by de novo sequencing method of nano_ESI_MS/MS. 方法 :用纳升电喷雾四极杆_飞行时间串联质谱的denovo测序方法进行测序。
- Both in de novo patients and in patoents treated with-dopa,DHEC shows slight side effects). 服用左旋多巴及DHEC治疗的病人仅有轻微的副作用(表3).
- A primary intraosseous carcinoma (PIOC) arising de novo in the mandible is presented. 摘要骨内原发性上皮癌为一罕见且仅发生于颚骨之恶性病症。
- In de novo SPK, early withdrawal of corticosteroids may be an important issue.Methods. 在开始行SPK最早期停用激素可能是一种重要的方法。
- We herein report 19 cases of generalized pustular psoriasis.The pustular lesions arose de novo in 5 patients. 本文收集19位全身型脓疱性乾癣患者的资料,其中有5位首次出现乾癣即以脓疱性乾癣的型式发作。
- One child with negative autoantibodies was diagnosed to have a histologically proven de novo AIH two yr following OLT. OLT后随访2年1名儿童显示明显的组织学改变而被诊断为原发性的AIH。