- In the U. S. the defendant may waive trial by jury. 在美国被告可放弃陪审团的审判。
- A trial by such a military tribunal. 审判由这种军事法庭进行的审判
- In the U.S. the defendant may waive trial by jury. 在美国被告可放弃陪审团的审判。
- The right to trial by jury in most cases. 大多数案件,均有受陪审团之审判的权利。
- He chose to stand trial by jury. 他选择了陪审审判。
- In Norway Willy supported himself by newspapering. 威利在挪威以办报为生。
- Trial by the jury is a fundamental right. 有陪审团陪同审判是一项基本的权利。
- Trial by ordeal is illegal in most most places. 神裁法在大多数地方是不合法的。
- The Congressman was too experienced to be milked by newspaper men. "这位议员很有经验,新闻记者无法从他口中套出任何新闻。"
- trial by newspaper 舆论审判
- The politician was too experienced to be milked by newspaper men. 这位政治家很有经验,新闻记者无法从他口中套出任何新闻。
- For trial by jury and the direct election of all Judges. 对于由陪审团审判和直接选举的所有法官。
- Kant said that everything should be on trial by nous. 康德说,一切东西都要经过理性的审判。
- The right to trial by jury is entrenched in our legal system. 由陪审团审判的权利被确立于我们的法律制度中。
- Trial by jury and the law of habeas corpus were practically suspended. 陪审团审讯和人身保护法实际上都已废除。
- Then,Ronaldo was offered a trial by Flamengo but he didn't get noticed at all. 这样,罗纳尔多就被Flamengo聘为客座球员,但他事先根本不知道。
- Defendant respectfully demand trial by jury of all issues so triable. 被告恳请陪审团参与所有审判问题审理。
- Sorry, some ADs with this symbol was scanned by newspaper, thus, It's had a bad quality in visual. 有此记号的稿面,因直接由报纸扫描,因此目视品质不算良好,敬请见谅。
- It was trial by fire and our desk gelled as if we worked together for years. 这是一场血与火的考验,我们的交易团队无比团结,就像在一起共事过很多年一样。
- Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television. 新闻最近事件的信息,特别是通过报纸、期刊、广播和电视进行报导