- triadic theory of meaning 意义三元论
- Building on the polysystem theory of Descriptive Translation Studies, Andre Lefevere, an American translation theorist, proposed his triad theory of ideology, poetics and patronage as the controlling factors in translation. 美国翻译理论家勒菲弗尔在多元系统理论的基础上,提出了影响翻译的三因素说:意识形态、诗学和赞助人,为翻译研究提供了新的研究范式,具有很强的解释力。
- Quine's holism; Davidson's theory of meaning; Dummett's anti-realism; Putnam's realism. 主要内容:蒯因的整体论;戴维森的意义理论;达米特的反实在论;普特南的实在论。
- According to this theory of meaning, this kind of nominalism is the exact equivalence of conceptualism. 根据这样的意义理论,阿伯拉尔的唯名论实际上也就是概念论。
- These words are empty of meaning. 这些话毫无意义。
- Gunson, D. (1998: 4-5) Michael Dummett and the Theory of Meaning, Ashgate Publishing Company. 塞尔.;当代美国分析哲学[C]
- There are several layers of meaning. 有几层不同的含意。
- Koch’s “psychological theory of meaning”, “psychological studies” represented his efforts towards the reconstruction of future psychology. 他提出了“心理定义理论”,并提出以“心理学研究”取代“心理学”的观点。
- Her words were quite empty of meaning. 她的话实在没有意义。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- In Wittgenstein's theory of pragmatic perspective, "use" is the core, "sharing of meaning" the guarantee, and "living conditions" the base. 维氏综观语用学思想体系中,“使用”是核心,“意义共享”是保障,“生活形式”是基底。
- Something empty of meaning or sense. 无意义的事没有意义或情理的事物
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- He censures that both the traditional theory of meaning and Kripke’s causal chain theory of reference couldn’t explain term’s meaning change between scientific revolution. 在他看来,无论是传统的意义理论还是新的指称因果理论,都不能有效地说明科学革命后同一术语的意义变化。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- He does not look fifty by any manner of means. 他看上去一点不像50岁的人。
- He censures that both the traditional theory of meaning and Kripke"s causal chain theory of reference couldn"t explain term"s meaning change between scientific revolution. 在库恩看来,无论是传统的意义理论还是新的指称因果理论,都不能有效地说明科学革命后同一术语的意义变化。
- Cian's academic thinking from the perspective of Confucian theory of harmoniousness provides a shortcut and a key to open his world of yili (the exposition of meaning). 从儒学和合论角度来研究钱先生学术思想,是一条简便直捷的路径,为开启他义理世界的一把钥匙。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- It is difficult to convey delicate shade of meaning in a translation. 在译文中传达意义上精微的差别是很不容易的。