- a ditcher; a trencher; a trench digger 挖沟机
- inclined chain-and-bucket trench digger 倾斜式链斗挖沟机
- mechanical-demolition trench digger 机械爆破挖壕机
- Kinematic Analysis of a Bionic Trench Digger during Out of Soil 仿生式开沟机出土过程的运动学分析
- We need a mechanical digger to level the ground. 我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。
- He sat out the bombardment in the trench. 他在壕沟内一直坐到炮轰停止。
- I forgot to dig a trench around the tent. 我忘了在帐篷四周挖一条沟。
- They toiled all day digging the trench. 他们整天艰苦地挖壕沟。
- The soldiers recaptured their trench. 兵士夺回了战壕。
- The troops received orders to trench the outpost. 部队接到命令在前哨周围筑壕加强防卫。
- a multibucket trench digger 多斗式挖沟机
- trench digger 挖壕机
- bucket trench digger 斗式挖沟机
- Investigators found a trench containing human remains. 调查人员发现一条沟中有人的尸体。
- Orders came that we should spade the trench in an hour. 有命令要我们必须在一小时内挖好战壕。
- A digger of gardens; a digger for information; a digger of bones. 花园的挖掘工; 挖掘收集信息的人; 盗尸人
- cable trench digger 电缆控沟机
- drainage trench digger 排水沟挖掘机
- The farmers gouged out a trench across the field. 农民们挖了一条穿过田野的沟。
- multi-bucket trench digger 多斗挖沟机