- tree crown volume 叶量
- The order of effects of main characters of increment on volume was brest diameter,tree height,tree crown ,diameter of first main branch and branch height,respectively. 育种主要生长量性状对材积的影响大小顺序是胸径、树高、冠幅、侧枝粗细和枝下高。
- Based on the investigation of 35 plantations of clone I 69, the difference between edge tree and standing tree in DBH, tree crown, tree height and volume was compared. 通过调查研究不同密度,不同林龄I-69杨林分中边行木及林木在胸径、冠幅、树高及材积生长进程的差异,探讨了林木生长的边行优势在杨树胶合板材定向培育中的应用。
- Ropes are also used to facilitate movement while in the tree crown. 在树冠里时,绳索还被用来协助活动。
- The village had three four-storey large banyan tree crown broad Posuo, egrets are spacious home. 村里有三棵四层楼高的大榕树,树冠宽阔婆娑,是白鹭们宽敞的家园。
- In the tree crown, the basal area growth of trunk sapwood is approximately equivalent to that of the upper branch sapwood. 在树冠内,树干边材断面积生长量与其上部的枝条边材断面积生长量大致相等。
- Analysis of the key factors influencing the diameter of tree crown and the coils of branch in a subcompartment and the models of the tree crown indices in a subcompartment. 4. 2.;影响小班树冠直径及枝盘数的重要因子分析及树冠指数的确定模型;
- For chemical control to spray on the tree crown with 2.5% Dishasi in dilution of 1 :96 000,or with 20% Sumicidin in dilution of 1 s 40 000,or with 25% Sevin in dilution of 1 :9600 is effective to kill the nymphs before 3 instars (during the late May). 药剂防治;若虫期防治效果最好.;3龄前(5月末);喷布2
- In this study, multi-size individual trees and the tree of the tree clumps can be detected effectively, and the tree crown also could be delineated accurately. 因此本研究之方法可以有效的侦测出影像上不同尺寸的单一立木及树丛中不同尺寸的立木之个数,并描绘其树冠范围。
- The crown of St Wenceslas was in prague cathedral. 圣文萨斯雷的皇冠保存在布拉格大教堂。
- An Analysis on the Golden Section in the Tree Crown 树冠中的黄金分割初步探析
- Trees crowned the hill. 树木覆盖着小山。
- The crown was beset with diamonds and jewels. 皇冠上镶嵌着钻石和珠宝。
- With strong muscles and sophisticated nervous system, the leopards hide themselves in dense foliage in the tree crowns, waiting for their preys. 豹的肌肉强健,平衡神经发达,十分善于爬树,常常躲在树冠里,隐身在浓密的树页里,伺机等候猎物的经过。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- Elm trees crown the mountains. 榆树遮盖着山顶。
- A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- The annular markings on a tree indicate its age. 树的环形纹理显示其年龄。