- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- Penal policies are guidelines for both penal legislation and penal judicature.Furthermore, the development of theory of penal laws to a large extent depends on a scientific view on penal policies. 摘要刑事政策是刑事立法与刑事司法的指导,刑法理论的发展也在很大程度上取决于科学的刑事政策观的确立。
- I just finished reading a treatise on the new technology. 我刚刚读完一篇有关这项新技术的文章。
- Parliament may legislate on any matter of penal law. 议会可以对刑事法律的任何事项立法。
- Our professor asked him to write a treatise on the subject. 我们的教授要求他就这个课题写篇论文。
- This is not a treatise on statistical theory. 这不是一篇有关统计理论的论文。
- Relating to the administration of penal law. 与刑法实施有关的
- A book or treatise on mineralogy. 矿物学书籍或论文有关矿物学的书籍或论文
- The doctor wrote a treatise on alcoholism. 那位医生写了一篇关于酗酒问题的论文。
- The treatise on current affairs skimmed the surface of the subject. 那篇讨论时事的文章只触及了问题的皮毛。
- The death penalty is a stubborn wart on the face of modern penal law, containing a profound tragedy implication. 死刑带来的死亡切入人的共同命运,怜悯和恐惧是基本的死刑情感认识。
- An anthropologist write a treatise on some of these fable. 一位人类学家写了一部关於这些寓言的专著。
- I just finished read a treatise on the new technology. 我刚刚读完一篇有关这项新技术的文章。
- China is revising its penal law to criminalize gender-selective abortions. 中国目前正在修正其刑法,将因性别选择而遗弃婴儿的行为列为犯罪。
- His Law of War and Peace (1625) is considered as the first comprehensive treatise on international law. 他在1625年出版的《战争与和平》被认为是第一部全面论述国际法的著作。
- Aristotle wrote a treatise on literature called his Poetics. 亚里士多德写了一本名为《诗学》的文学作品。
- Pascal published a treatise on binomial coefficient. 帕斯克发表了关于二项系数的论文。
- The first decision that had to be made was whether the existing penal law could be satisfactorily patched up or whether a more basic change in its structure was needed. 首先要决定的是:对现行的刑法是否能作出令人满意的修改,还是这一刑法的结构是否需要作更根本性的变动。
- Lile an anthropologist wrote a treatise on some of these fables. 如同一位人类学家写了一部关于这些寓言的专著。
- An anthropologist wrote a treatise on some of these fables. 一位人类学家写了一部关於这些寓言的专著。