- treated wood pole 防腐电杆
- Table 1-2 Surface roughness and chrominance of treated wood. 表2处理材于水质环境下经长期试验后防腐剂之保留率.......57
- Not bad sleeve-style fighting long Dao.Narrow and long blade.Old lacquered wood pole and leather cover.Blunt cover-style sheath is also a feature of fighting weapon. 不错的套筒式实战长刀,刃会相对窄长,龙吞制作颇机巧双目角耳皆能活动,漆木杆皮壳老熟,钝盖式尾镦也是实战器的一种特征。
- Microwave(MW)treated wood flour was added into poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC)matrix leading to PVC/wood-flour composites. 采用经微波辐射去离子水浸润的木粉制备了PVC/木粉复合材料。
- The use of hay or straw as bedding during transport is not permitted;treated wood shavings, sterilized peat and soft board may be used. 运输时不得使用干草或稻草做垫料,可使用经过处理的木屑、泥炭、软板。
- All non-manufactured wood packaging material to be used to carry, pack, pad and support, and reinforce the goods, such as wood case, crate, pallet, frame, pal, wood pole, wedge, sleeper and pad. 本办法所称木质包装是指用于承载、包装、铺垫、支撑、加固货物的木质材料,如木板箱、木条箱、木托盘、木轴、木楔、垫木、枕木、衬木,等。
- Multilayer engineered flooring made of treated wood whose visible side is protected with 7 layers of high-quality lacquer. 多层地板,通过对木材特殊处理制作而成,地板横切面可以看出:7层高品质漆面,起到很好的保护作用。
- By using cunninghamia lanceolata and paulownia forlunei as experimental materials, the effects of KY-FW treated wood and untreated wood on mechanical properties was compared. 摘要采用杉木和泡桐为试材,对经过KY-FW阻燃剂处理的木材与未经处理的木材进行对比研究,分析KY-FW阻燃剂对木材力学性能的影响。
- In the thesis main purpose is studying the degrease techniques, sifting the degrease medicaments and measuring the physics and mechanics properties of the treated wood. 本论文主要的目的是研究落叶松板材的脱脂工艺和脱脂药剂的筛选,并对脱脂处理材的物理力学性能进行了测试。
- The result indicated the anti-boiling performances of its treated wood was enhanced compared to the material with only ACQ treated in the anti-water,anti-acid and the alkali extract. 结果表明其处理材的抗煮沸性能比单项ACQ处理材有所提高,抗水、酸、碱抽提性能稍好于ACQ处理材。
- Wood poles for overhead lines - Sizes - Methods for measurement and permissible deviations. 架空线用木杆。尺寸。测量方法和允许偏差。
- Comparing the treated samples, relative crystallinities of MPW, which was compounded with MMT and treated wood samples excepting for NaOH treatment wood samples, were decreased more. 除氢氧化钠处理试材外,其他处理试材与蒙脱土形成的复合材料的结晶度均进一步降低。
- Results indicate that treating wood with boric acid and amines did not significantly improve its fire retardancy. 试验结果显示:木材以硼酸/有机胺等药剂处理后并不能显著地改善其耐燃性;
- It makes me sick to see her being treated so badly. 我看到她受到这样虐待非常愤怒。
- He treated the silly girl as a plaything. 他把那个愚蠢的女孩当作一个玩物。
- What a shitty way to treat a friend! 这样对待一个朋友,真不像话!
- I can't bear to see him treated like that. 我不忍见到他受到那样的对待。
- He is being treated at a private clinic. 他正在私人诊所接受治疗。
- This meal is my treat, so put your money away. 这顿饭我请客,你把钱收起来吧。