- treat someone like dirt 把某人看得一文不值
- Treat someone like a dog. 不把某人当人看。
- How could you treat her like dirt? 你怎么能把她看得一文不值呢?
- They treat their workers like dirt. 他们把工人看得粪土不如.
- It was quite a novelty to meet someone like that. 碰到象那样的一个人真是一件新鲜的事。
- Micky is a crumb, and he treats me like dirt. 米基真令人讨厌,他把我当无赖对待。
- Someone like you won't spook me. 像你这样的人吓唬不了我。
- treat someone like a dog 把某人不当人
- Do you think I would hit someone like you? I wouldn't dirty my hands on you. 你以为我会打你这种人吗?这样会脏了我的手。
- Service-industry jobs are not easy,and they're even harder when people treat you like dirt. 服务行业的工作并不容易,而当别人把你看得一钱不值时尤其艰难。
- treat someone like a lord 飨某人以盛馔
- There are good men in the police, as good men as you can see, and there are some of that treat you like dirt. 警察当中有好人,就象你能看到的好人一模一样,也有一些警察把你当作粪土看待。
- Or someone really sick, someone like my Rick. 或者的确很恶心,或者像我男友那种。
- Do you have someone like this in your mind? 你心中有这样的一个人吗?
- As the man is lazy and often steals things from his neighbours, they treat him like dirt. 由于这个人懒惰并且经常偷邻居家的东西,因而人们把他看得一钱不值。
- I've searched the whole world for someone like you. 我寻寻觅觅只为你。
- He would be lucky to go out with someone like you. 和你一起是他的幸运。
- Capricorn have mild temper, even if others treat them like dirt, they still return with humbleness and respect. 魔羯座因个性太好,即使别人对他很差,他一样待人谦逊。
- How do you often talk about someone like that? 你说话怎么尽糟蹋人?
- He would rather keep bach and live without company than marry a husband-eating tiger who will treat him like dirt. 他宁愿打光棍孤孤单单地生活也不愿娶个厉害的老婆不把他当人看。