- trap of family businesses 家族企业陷阱
- The significance and complexity of family businesses have incrementally attracted more scholar attention. 实证结果显示,盈馀管理行为受到公司是否为家族控制企业的影响很大。
- The non-family management of family businesses is the first step in their socia lization. 家族企业的非家族化管理是家族企业社会化的第一步。
- He have to go home because of family obligation. 出于对家庭的责任,他不得不回家。
- They like new patterns of family life. 他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式。
- entrepreneurs of family businesses 家族企业家
- Enterprise Group in India, the family business in predominates in India's largest 500 enterprises, more than 75% are made up of family control. 在印度企业群体中,家族企业占主导地位,在印度最大的500家企业中,超过75%25都由家族控制。
- Don't fall into that trap of indecision. 千万不要被绑在这种牛角尖里面。
- corporate culture of family businesses 家族企业文化
- In this paper, we analyze the basis of Family business, and then we found the phenomenon of Property rights in Family business is unclearly at the beginning. 本文首先分析了家族企业现阶段的状况和研究进展,从而发现家族企业在运作初期没有进行明确的产权界定这一现象。
- The second one introduces the process of changes of family institutions in Japan and emphansizes that plutocratic family business became corporative enterprizes. 第二章介绍了日本家族企业的制度变迁,着重介绍了日本财阀式家族企业向法人企业形态转化的过程及其推进因素;
- Small family businesses are often gobbled up by larger firms. 家庭小商业遭到大公司的吞并。
- He wore all the trappings of high officer. 他佩戴着高级官职的各种服饰。
- She's too clever to fall into the trap of doing any hard work. 她很聪明,不会中圈套去做任何困难的工作。
- The mother is often the pivot of family life. 母亲往往是家庭生活的中心人物。
- I warned you not to fall into the trap of doing everything for him. 我警告过你不能上当,什么事情都是你给他做。
- He have the trappings of high office but no real power. 他空有高官的派头却并无实权。
- A hunter can have one trap of each category placed at one time. 每一个猎人同一时刻在任何一系中只能释放一种陷阱。
- The author probesinto the isomorphism and heterogeneity of the governance of family business and pinpoints its peculiarity through a comparison between the Anglo-Saxon, Japan-German and family models. 我们分析了公司治理结构的同形异种问题,通过对英美模式、日德模式和家族治理模式的比较,得出了公司家族治理模式的独特特征。 我们从公司治理改革(包括公司管制)和金融市场的两个角度进行了分析得出了家族企业治理模式在香港基本上算是成功的原因。
- So, avoid the trap of equalizing everything too sharp. 因此,避免陷阱平衡一切太锋利。