- transpicuous motives. 明显的动机
- I remain dubious about her motives. 我对她的动机仍存疑念。
- I'm sorry I misjudged you/your motives. 对不起,我误会你[你的动机]了。
- His motives were suspect with others. 他的动机受到其他人的怀疑。
- They tried to bottom his motives but failed. 他们曾想追查他的动机但未成功。
- He concealed his real motives from me. 他对我隐瞒了他的真实动机。
- Other motives may have lurked in the background. 这后面可能隐藏着其它动机。
- I believe that Martin had two motives. 我相信马丁有着双重动机。
- She speculated about her friend's motives. 她猜测她朋友的动机。
- Many varied motives prompt individuals to join a political party. 促使人们加入政党的动机许许多多且各不相同。
- I have to warn you that his motives have lain hidden. 我不得不提醒你他的动机还不明。
- One's conscious motives are often different from one's subconscious ones. 一个人有明显动机的举动跟下意识的举动往往截然不同。
- I couldn't cipher out his motives. 我猜想不出他的动机。
- His motives were uncloaked at last. 他的动机终于被揭露了。
- He was prompted by unworthy motives. 他为卑鄙的动机所驱使。
- I elaborated people's motives all too profusely. 我总是把人们的动机引申得如此淋漓尽致。
- I resent her vehement suspicious about my motives. 我愤恨她对我动机的强烈怀疑。
- Don't arrogate evil motives to me. 不要栽脏给我。
- Don't easily arrogate evil motives to others. 别轻易地认为他人存心不良。
- Why do you impute selfish motives to her? 你为什么说她的动机是自私的?