- New 220-kilovolt power transmission project cities. 新建大城市220千伏输变电工程。
- New 110 kilovolt power transmission project cities. 新建大城市110千伏输变电工程。
- Tarim Basin is the main source of the west-to-east gas transmission project. 西气东输的“主力军”就是塔里木。
- The total investment of 120 million yuan Shacheng 220-kilovolt power transmission project is nearing completion. 总投资1.;2亿元的沙城220千伏输变电工程即将竣工。
- KV power transmission project following the construction, electrical engineering fields, power equipment sales equipment maintenance. V以下输变电工程施工,电力工程预决算,电力器材销售设备维修等。
- In 1974 I took a postdoc appointment (without the doc!) At Brookhaven National Laboratory and worked on the Superconducting Power Transmission Project. 1974年,我在“Brookhaven国家实验室”获得了一个博士后职位(没有博士学位)!当时我从事“超导电力传输课题”。
- LGJK-300/50 expanded ACSR will be used for the first time in the 750V power transmission project in the Northwest Power Grid. 我国将首次在西北电网750 kV输电工程上采用LGJK-300/50扩径型钢芯铝绞线。
- The simulation of UHV power transmission project from Jincheng to Jingzhou via Nanyang proves the effect of this method. 对晋东南-南阳-荆门特高压交流实验示范工程进行了仿真,结果验证了方法的有效性。
- The quotation of terms of works for a transmission project can be determined by a term of a fundamental construction unit times effecting factor. 一个输电工程项目的工期定额可以用一个基本施工单元的工期乘以影响系数来确定。
- In 2008, the power sector for the Beijing-Tianjin inter-city railway construction investment Beijingnanzhan 220 kilovolt power transmission project, and so on. 2008年,电力部门又为京津城际铁路投资建设220千伏北京南站输变电工程等。
- Kuqa depression is one of the most important oil and gas-bearing area in Tarim basin, KL2 gas field in it is the source of West-East natural gas transmission project. 库车坳陷是塔里木盆地重要的含油气区,在这里发现的克拉2气田为西气东输工程奠定了资源基础。
- B - The West-East Power Transmission Project transmits HEP from the west to eastern China in order to cope to the spatial differences between energy production and consumption. 西电东送把中国西方的水力发电传送至东方;以解决能源制造和消耗的空间差距.
- "The west-to-east gas transmission project is a major strategic measure for restructuring China's energy industry,"said Ma Fucai, general manager of the China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC). “西气东输,也是中国能源工业进行结构调整的重大战略举措。”中油集团公司总经理马富才这样说。
- When the Central Government formally announced the initiation of the west-to-east gas transmission project in March 2000, Premier Zhu Rongji said the project represented "the prelude to the large-scale development of the western region". 因此,2000年3月,当中央正式宣布启动西气东输工程后,朱镕基总理称其为“拉开了西部大开发的序幕”。
- The FERC orders introduce the two transmission projects, provide background, summarize the industry proposal, and state the FERC decision. 6联邦能源管制委员会的行政命令,介绍两项电力传输计划;并提供了背景资料、整合产业意见,并说明联邦能源管制委员会的决策。
- With the development of EHV/UHV DC transmission projects, it is inevitable to study DC pollution flashover performance of long insulator strings. 超、特高压直流输电的发展需要对长串直流绝缘子污闪特性研究。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。
- Read these to understand the projects, and bring questions to class on the FERC policy process as well as on the proposed transmission projects. 请阅读这些资料了解该计划乡雨并于于课堂上提出有关联邦能源管制委员会的决策过程及其提出传输计划之问题。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。