- The fifth exon codes for the transmembrane domain. 第五个外显子编码跨膜结构域。
- The AD7C-NTP protein was predicted to have 3 potential transmembrane domains and locate on peroxisome's membrane. AD7C NTP基因编码产物具有 3个跨膜区 ,可能定位于过氧化物酶体。
- It is the extracellular domain that binds neurotransmitters. The transmembrane domain forms an ion channel. 胞外域结合神经递质。跨膜域形成离子通道。
- GHR is a glycoprotein of about 620 amino acids (aa) with single transmembrane domain. GHR是由约620个氨基酸组成的单链跨膜糖蛋白,其胞外区、跨膜区及胞内区分别由约245、25及350个氨基酸组成。
- The results of sequence analysis show that there is 2 exons and 11 transmembrane domain in gene. 序列分析显示基因有2个外显子,含有11个跨膜结构域。
- To determine which transmembrane domain could locate PF40 in the ER, 4 truncated PF40 fragments were amplified by PCR and fused with gfp. 为了确定PF40的内质网定位区段,构建了pf40的4个不同长度的缺失片段(f12、f14、f56、f36)与报告基因gfp连接的植物表达载体,由农杆菌介导转化烟草。
- The conclution is that the achondroplasia patients have point mutation in the transmembrane domain of FGFR3 and the codon 380 is the hotspot of the mutation. ? 软骨发育不全患者出现FGFR3基因跨膜区的点突变,380位密码子是软骨发育不全患者突变的热点。
- Objective To construct the antisense nucleic acid eukaryotic expressing vector of the cDNA sequence encoding the transmembrane domain of receptor tyrosine kinase RON (RON-RTK) gene (RONm). 目的构建RON基因跨膜区段(RONm)的反义核酸真核表达载体。
- For display it is sufficient to fuse the heterologous protein to the N-terminus of gp64, the major envelope protein on the surface of the AcMNPV, or to the gp64 transmembrane domain. 通常是将外源蛋白融合到AcMNPV的主要膜蛋白Gp64的N末端。
- seven transmembrane domain receptor 七跨膜区受体
- seven pass receptor(seven transmembrane domain receptor) 七跨膜区受体
- The chromosomal location of AD7C-NTP gene and the prediction of transmembrane domains of its deduced protein AD7C-NTP基因的染色体定位及其产物的跨膜区预测
- Military history is really outside my domain. 我对军队史实在一窍不通。
- Structure of Recombinant Adenovirus Encoding Her-2/neu Gene of Extracellular and Transmembrane Domains Protein and Their Eliciting Immunological Response Her-2/neu膜外及跨膜区蛋白基因重组腺病毒的构建和诱导的免疫效应
- transmembrane domains 跨膜区, 穿膜区
- 0sNHX2 contains 1726bp and encodes a protein of 544 amino acid residues with a calculated molecuteir weight of 60KD and isoelectric point of 7.5. Hydrophobicity plot analysis showed the OsNHX2 has 11 putative transmembrane domains by TMpred program. OsNHX2长1726bp,其完整的ORF编码一条长544氨基酸的多肽,理论分子量为60KD,等电点为7.;5。 疏水性分析表明:OsNHX2有11个可能的跨膜结构域。
- The kitchen is my wife's domain, she doesn't like me going into it. 厨房是我妻子的领地,她不愿让我进去。
- The conspirators were banished from the king's domain. 阴谋家们被赶出了国王的领土。
- transmembrane domain 跨膜区