- This paper discusses translation equivalence from a new perspective-semiotics. 摘要从一个全新的角度-符号学来探讨翻译对等这一问题。
- Translation equivalence, as a disputable issue, has been discussed for over 2000 years in translation studies. 翻译等值,历来是一个有争议的话题,在翻译史上,对该问题的探讨已持续了两千多年。
- In the production phase, reconstruction of the lexical cohesion in the original text can contribute to translation equivalence. 在表达阶段,译者通过重构原文的词汇衔接,可再现原文的修辞效果。
- Translation equivalence is expected to be established in terms of the ideational.interpersonal and textual metafunctions. 因此本文试图使译文和原文的对等关系建立在概念功能,人际功能和语篇功能对等的基础上。
- Translation equivalence is very useful for bilingual lexicography, machine translation system and cross-lingual information retrieval. 摘要 翻译等价对在词典编纂、机器翻译和跨语言信息检索中有着广泛的应用。
- Through analysis of "speech act theory" and "translation equivalence theory", it is concluded that "speech act theory" and "translation equivalence theory" have the same interpretative principles. 本文通过对言语行为以及翻译对等论的分析,指出言语行为理论和翻译对等论有着共同的解释机理。
- Translation equivalence can be used to assess the linguistic competence of a translator. What an original author says and how he says it, that is the problem of the translator. 翻译对等可以用于评估一个翻译的语言能力。源作者说了什么,他怎么说的,那是译者的问题。
- On Different Levels of Translation Equivalence 论翻译中的对等层次
- English Slang and E-C Translation Equivalence 英语俚语及其翻译的对等性
- Translation Equivalence Viewed from Contextualism 从语境视角看翻译对等
- On the Concept of Translation Equivalence 翻译等值概念述评
- The author maintains that bilingual dictionaries should first of all provide the most typical translation equivalents. 本文认为双语词典首先应该为相关词汇或术语提供最典型的译文。
- In this paper, translation equivalences are extracted from translation corresponding trees of bilingual sentence pairs. 本文从双语句对的译文等价树中抽取翻译等价对。
- Semantic Correspondence and Translation Equivalence 语义对应与翻译等值的相对性
- Pragmatic Theories and Translation Equivalence 语用学理论与等效翻译
- The thesis tries to probe the relativity of the Theory of Translational Equivalence, from the perspective of cultural differences between the East and West. 其次,作者从文化与语言、翻译的关系入手,从跨文化差异的视角探讨翻译等值论相对性的根源。
- This paper reviews the classification of corpora and the history of the research on extraction of translation equivalents from comparable corpus. 摘要 回顾了语料库分类及可比语料库中翻译等价对抽取方法研究的历史。
- I am making a verbal translation. 我正在逐字的翻译。
- It is the translation of theories into practice. 这是理论到实践的转变。
- The effect of the novel loses in translation. 这部小说经过翻译失色不少。