- transitional social structure 社会结构变迁
- The social structure has changed beyond recognition. 社会结构已变得面目全非,今非昔比。
- Changes in social structure may indirectlyjuvenile crime rates. 社会结构中的变化会间接影响少年犯罪率。
- Social Structure of the Cities in Contemporary China II. 当代中国城市社会结构现状与趋势2。
- Indeed, marmot social structure actively encourages inbreeding. 诚然,土拨鼠的社会结构积极地鼓励着近亲交配。
- Discuss the relationship between ritual and social structure. 论述宗教仪式与社会结构的联系。
- The research of social engineering focuses on the use of the social coordination analysis method and integrating method and the study of transitional processes of the change of the social structure. 社会工程研究强调社会协调分析方法和整和方法;强调社会结构变迁的过度过程研究;
- Such changes can alter the social structure, leading people to move. 这些变化能改变社会结构,导致人口迁移。
- But the English social structure was not thoroughly shaken by these changes. 但是 ,这些变化并未从根本上动摇英国的社会结构。
- Trade liberalization forms an increasingly important component in the success of the adjustment programmes that many countries are undertaking, often involving significant transitional social costs. 贸易自由化形成许多国家正在采取的调整计划取得成功的日益重要的组成部分,这种调整计划通常涉及巨额的过渡期社会成本。
- The social structure of traditional Hinduism is slowly crumbling in the cities. 印度教传统社会结构在城市慢慢地崩溃。
- It's production is certainly the result of certa inly social structure. 其产生是中国几千年大一统封建社会结构的必然产物。
- Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect juvenile crime rates. 社会结构的变化也会间接影响青少年犯罪率。
- Their work had been uncongenial to the social structure and traditions of the land. 他们的工作封此地的社会结构及传统已不合适了。
- The literary conceptions which prevailed were in consonance with the social structure. 当时流行的文学思想是与当时的社会结构相一致的。
- The Net and e-commerce will foster a large number of freelancers, and this will affect social structure in a big way. 网络化和电子商务的潮流将会造就大量的自由职业者,对社会的结构会造成深远的影响。
- The Net and e-commerce will foster a large number of freelancers,and this will affect social structure in a big way. 网络化和电子商务的潮流将会造就大量的自由职业者,对社会的结构会造成深远的影响。
- The social structure of capitalism, however, is built around impersonal relationships based on the dominion of exchange value. 而资本主义的社会结构是建立在受交换价值支配的非人身关系基础上。
- Laid-off workers are the new urban poverties in the process of economy transition and social structure adjustment. 下岗职工是我国经济转型与社会结构调整过程中出现的城市新贫困群体。
- The damage was inflicted upon them in transit. 其损失发生在运输过程中。