- This is an important driving force for transformation and innovation. 这是激励变革创新的重要动力。
- The epoch of E-Economy has come unreversibly,it seriously slashes the organization and administration of traditional enterprises. The pressure of its transform and innovation is steadily on the increase. 网络经济时代已不可逆转地来临 ,严重冲击着传统企业的组织与管理 ,企业变革与创新的压力与日俱增。
- While the dualistic structure,where "danger" and "opportunity" coexist,poses challenges for the transformation and innovation of organizations,it. 但是,危机中的“危险”与“机遇”并存的二元结构性特征对组织变革创新提出挑战的同时,也为之提供了契机。
- A period of sequential technological development and innovation. 阶段持续的技术发展和革新的一段时期
- Backdating its developed courses, the report of typical characters has experienced the beginning, flourishing, distortion, and is starting the transformation and innovation stage now. 回溯典型人物报道的发展历程,它走过了萌芽起始阶段、繁荣鼎盛阶段、畸变扭曲阶段,如今它又步入变革创新阶段,重新焕发出蓬勃生机。
- In this unique historical context, Zeng Guofan makes resurgence of Tongcheng Group once more and influences the late Qing dynasty for half a century, letting it transform and innovate. 正是在这一独特的历史语境下,曾国藩通过对桐城派的改造和革新,使其再度走向“中兴”,并影响了清朝末期半个多世纪。
- Michaelangelo was a genius in art and innovation. 米开朗基罗是美术及发明大师。
- Expediting scientific and technological progress and innovation. 推动科技进步和创新。
- Conservative and Innovation: A Dilemma of the University? 保守与创新:大学的两难困境?
- Probe into theory and innovation of civil action II. 民事诉讼理论与改革的探索2。
- Education changes China and innovation forges future! 主题:教育改变中国,创新塑造未来!
- Imitation and Innovation: Which One on Earth We Need? 模仿和原创我们究竟需要谁?
- The labour productivity of mining industry in Chile was increase d by a big margin ascribed by(1) the obvious improvement on copper deposite qua lity and(2) a vigorous push by technological transformation and innovations. 过去20多年智利采铜业的劳动生产率大幅提高,原因有二:一是随着新矿山的开发,铜矿床质量明显提高;二是技术改造和技术革新的推动。
- Tradition and innovation are merged in this new composition. 传统与创新和谐地统一在这个新的作品当中。
- Used in power-transfer transformer and choke coils. 转换电源用变压器和扼流圈。
- Adhere to the Business philosophy of integrity and innovation. 秉持诚信创新的经营理念
- Transformation and Innovation of Enterprise Distribution Channels 企业分销渠道的变革与创新
- With gumption and innovation, the enterprise develops unceasingly. 公司不断开拓、进取、创新。
- Price caps can also discourage investment and innovation. 价格封顶也会阻碍投资和创新。
- Standardization is spurring investment and innovation. 标准化将吸引投资与创新。