- transfer of economic crisis 转嫁经济危机
- The spectre of economic crisis is constantly haunting some countries. 经济危机的幽灵一直在一些国家里游荡徘徊。
- Another storm of economic crisis has swept over the capitalist world. 又一场经济危机的风暴席卷了资本主义世界。
- In the shadow of economic crisis, Hefei contrarian up the production and operation of the airport. 在经济危机的阴影下,合肥机场生产经营逆势上扬。
- Though a skilled worked, he was faired by his company last week because of economic crisis. 尽管他是个熟练的工人,但是上周因为经济危机问题他被公司解雇了。
- But Newfoundland has gone through a lot of economic crisis over the past twenty, thirty years. 但是,纽芬兰在过去的二、三十年间经历了多次经济危机。
- Nevertheless, these apprehension are in of economic crisis puissant and oppressive fell to become the history. 不过,这些顾虑在经济危机的强力压迫下都成了历史。
- Secondly, we claim that the fundamental cause of Deregulation of CATI is Transfer of Economic Structure. 第二,指出体制转轨因素是中国民航运输业放松管制的最根本动因;
- Greg Yurek: The effect of economic crisis is serious in the United States and Europe. 目前来看,中国政府对于风能持续发展提供了强有力的支持。
- They say the technology is available and the time is now in spite of economic crisis. 他们说尽管现在正处于经济危机当中,但这项技术是可用并且有效的。
- Under the influence of Economic Crisis,dry goos business has come across more difficulties. 在金融危机的影响下,纺织品业遇到了越来越多的困难。
- The transfer of property usually land to someone else. 将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让。
- Investment mode strategy and expatriate strategy during times of economic crisis By: Chung, Chris Changwha; Beamish, Paul W. 经济危机时期的投资模式战略与外派人员策略。
- The decade or longer reform gradually ridded Ukrainian agriculture of economic crisis and revealed ever-greater effects. 经过十余年的改革,乌克兰农业正在逐渐摆脱经济危机,改革成效日益显现。
- The transfer of a ruler's authority by death or abdication. 让位因为统治者死亡或弃位而进行的权力转移
- UWE:The influence of economic crisis spreads over the world.But if we look for the right market, everything could be sold out. 目前经济危机影响确实是全世界的,但是从另一方面来说,什么东西只要找对市场都会有需求。
- DJs use cross fader to achieve a seamless transfer of sounds. 音乐节目主持人用平滑转换机来达成天衣无缝的声音转换效果。
- The ostentation in time of economic crisis, the investment abroad of profits made in Russia and a move to undermine Mr.Luzhkov, a one-time rival of Mr. 在经济危机之际大肆招摇、拿俄国赚的钱到国外投资、藉此打击曾是普亭政敌的鲁兹科夫,这些可能原因,俄国媒体都猜过。
- The transfer of money by bank check is very common today. 用银行支票汇钱现在很普遍。
- Although experienced the impact of economic crisis, but as the most important source of meat, pork demand will not drop too much. 虽然遭遇了经济危机的影响,但是作为最主要的肉食来源,猪肉的需求不会出现太大下滑。