- Requests to transfer funds to third parties will not be processed. 请求把资金转入第三方将不被处理。
- For client protection, BOOM requires clients to mail or deliver in-person appropriately authorized instructions to withdraw or transfer funds to or from a BOOM account. 为进一步保障,本公司要求客户把他们认可的指示单据,以邮递方式或亲身递交到本公司,才可提取或转账BOOM户口内的资金。
- JEBet. Com will not transfer funds to any bank account until the User has provided the required Identification information as described in the identification section of the payment information page. 使用者没有提过在身份证明网页上所提出需要的身份证明之前;JEBet.;com是不会将资金转送入任何银行户口的。
- He was appealing for funds to build a new school. 他在恳求拨款修建一所新学校。
- Please transfer the funds to my account by Monday. 请在周一前将资金注入我的帐户。
- First, the People's Bank of China is transferring funds to China Investment Corp, the fledgeling sovereign wealth fund with a $200bn kitty. 具体时间尚不确定,但经济学家估计,其中多达1000亿美元可能已于第一季度转到中投。
- save and divert funds to; transfer funds to 腾出资金
- For example, in good years managers can reduce reported income by overestimating expenses, by underreporting revenues, and even by transferring funds to hidden reserves. 例如,在经济状况佳的年景,为了减少申报利润,管理者可以高估支出,低报收入,甚至将资金转入隐藏的储备。
- Nixon used a slush fund to finance spy on the democrats. 尼克森用行贿基金支付监视民主党活动的款项。
- There are no mechanisms for transferring funds from one department to another. 基金无法从一部门转移至另一部门。
- Transfer funds to Hong Kong via an account in London 经伦敦的基金户口,汇到香港
- We diverted our funds to paying for college. 我们把我们的资金转而为学院付款。
- Had enough funds to cover her check. 有足够的资金支付她的帐单
- He used the party funds to feather his own nest. 他用党的基金中饱私囊。
- She doesn't have enough funds to stump the country. 她没有足够的资金到全国作巡回政治演说。
- They collect funds to finance the movement. 他们为这一运动筹募基金。
- He hasn't the funds to carry out his design. 他没有资金来施行他的设计。
- You can even transfer funds from one sub account to another. 您甚至还可以从一个子帐户转帐至另一个子帐户。
- The court ordered the company's fund to is seize. 法院命令没收公司的资金。
- Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials. 院外集团的说客用贿金拉拢政府官员。