- transconjunctival orbitotomy 经结膜眶切开术
- The tumor was completely removed through lateral orbitotomy. 经病理报告显示为眼眶内血 管周皮细胞瘤。
- Lateral orbitotomy with excision of the cyst was successfully performed. 囊肿成功的以外侧眼眶切开后切除,术后突眼消失且无任何后遗症产生。
- After anterior orbitotomy exploration, dacryocystectomy and tumor excision were performed. 病人接受了右眼前眼窝切开术,以及泪囊切除和肿瘤移除。
- The authors summarized and analyzed nursing of 52 cases of cavernous hemangiomas extraction by lateral orbitotomy. 总结分析52例经外侧开眶海绵状血管瘤摘除术患者的护理体会。
- Objective:To observe the effect of therapy of orbital epidermoid by modified lateral orbitotomy. 目的:观察改良的外侧开眶术对于眶内皮样囊肿的治疗。
- Objective To investigate the nursing method for patients of orbital tumor around lateral orbitotomy. 目的探讨眼眶肿瘤外侧开眶术围手术期护理及心理护理的方法。
- Conclusion:The transconjunctival approach can provide adequate exposure of the infraorbital rim and orbital floor without scar formation in the face. 结论:经结膜切口是治疗眶底和眶下缘骨折的一种较为理想的手术进路,能提供足够的暴露并避免面部瘢痕形成。
- Method:15 cases of fractures of the orbital floor and infraorbital rim were treated with the transconjunctival approach. 方法 :对 15例眶底和眶下缘骨折采用经结膜切口进行治疗。
- Conclusion1 Retrobulbar intraconal cavernous hemangiomas can be removed successfully through a transconjunctival approach. 结论:球后肌肉圆锥内的海绵状血管瘤可以通过结膜入路成功摘除。
- We reviewed transconjunctival anterior retinal cryotherapy (ARC) among 69 eyes, 58 patients with diabetic vitreous hemorrhage in one-year period. 回顾一年期间,对糖尿病性玻璃体出血58位病人的69只眼睛,我们做了经结膜之视网膜前部冷冻治疗。
- Objective To evaluate the 25-gauge(25G) transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy system (TSV25G) for vitreous hemorrhage of diabetic retinalpathy(DRP). 目的观察25G经结膜无缝合玻璃体切割系统(TSV25G)在糖网病性玻璃体积血手术治疗中的应用价值。
- Objective Modification of the transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty in order to reduce the occurrence of complications. 目的:探讨微创结膜入路下睑袋整复术在减少下睑袋术后并发症方面的作用。
- Among the 49 cases, anterior orbitotomy was adopted for 37 cases, anterior orbitotomy with mycteric drainage for 4 cases, lateral orbitotomy for 8 cases. 手术方法包括前路开眶37例,前路开眶联合鼻腔引流术4例,外侧开眶8例。
- Except for 1 case with mild canthal malposition, no other complication was observed.Conclusion:The transconjunctival approach can provide adequate exposure of the infraorbital rim an... 结论:经结膜切口是治疗眶底和眶下缘骨折的一种较为理想的手术进路,能提供足够的暴露并避免面部瘢痕形成。
- To evaluate the indications, effectiveness and complications of vitreoretinal surgery using the 25G transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy system (TSV25G) under the topical anesthesia. 观察表面麻醉下行25G经结膜无缝合玻璃体视网膜手术的疗效、适应证和并发症。
- external subaponeurotic orbitotomy 外侧腱膜下眶切开术
- Transcranial orbitotomy advancement 颅眶截骨前移
- transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy 微创玻璃体切除术
- Orbitotomy with insertion of implant 眶切开伴植入物植入术