- The quality or state of being transcendental. 超越、先验、杰出的性质或状态
- Asphalt is used for making road surfaces. 沥青常用于铺路。
- transcendental surfaces 超越曲面
- Flies' feet stick to surfaces by suction. 苍蝇的脚借吸力可附着于物体表面上。
- Gazing at that majestic painting is for me an almost transcendental experience. 我凝视著那幅气势磅?Z的画,一种堪称超凡的感受油然而生。
- On reaching welding heat, the metal surfaces are pressed together. 当金属表面达到焊接热度时就会压在一起。
- We can't transcend the limitations of the ego. 我们无法超越自我的局限性。
- The song of the future must transcend creed. 赞美未来的颂歌一定要胜过这类教条。
- The contemporary moral education should transcend the materialism and help people find out the lost spirits during the transcendental enhancement. 当代道德教育应超越物质主义,在超越性提升中帮助人们找回失落的精神。
- I intend to transcend the need to be crucified. 我意愿超越被受难的需要。
- Well, you are always heroic and transcendental. 当然,你一向是勇敢而超凡入圣的。
- Generates inline code for transcendental functions. 生成先验函数的内联代码。
- Yeah!! Every thing is transcendental!!!! 哈哈,估计还是地球生物!!
- Wuxi Transcend Biology Co., Ltd. 无锡创越生物有限公司(原无锡大新化工有限公司)
- Frosty windows make great surfaces for children to draw on. 有霜的窗户是孩子们画画的好地方。
- The way out is to transcend modernity. 解决现代性危机的根本出路在于超越现代性。
- God Siva is Immanent Love and Transcendent Reality. 湿婆神是普被世间的爱,是超然一切的实体。
- I can definitely transcend myself! 我一定可以超越我自己!
- The music transcend anything she had heard before. 这段音乐胜于她以前听的任何一段。
- They transcend national borders and generations. 它们超越国界及世代。