- The first few days were gloriously hot. 开头几天热极了。
- The party got gloriously mellow. 那夥人喝得酩酊大醉。
- Keats sang briefly but gloriously. 济慈所作之诗虽简洁却不失为壮丽。
- We can't transcend the limitations of the ego. 我们无法超越自我的局限性。
- The song of the future must transcend creed. 赞美未来的颂歌一定要胜过这类教条。
- I intend to transcend the need to be crucified. 我意愿超越被受难的需要。
- Wuxi Transcend Biology Co., Ltd. 无锡创越生物有限公司(原无锡大新化工有限公司)
- Have golden casques to crown them gloriously. 戴着金色的头盔,顶着光荣的冠冕。
- The way out is to transcend modernity. 解决现代性危机的根本出路在于超越现代性。
- What a gloriously wet feeling it was. 湿湿的感觉真奇妙。
- I can definitely transcend myself! 我一定可以超越我自己!
- As I say, the day began gloriously. 我说了,这天一开始便景色宜人。
- The music transcend anything she had heard before. 这段音乐胜于她以前听的任何一段。
- I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. 我从没因一个简单的微笑而欣喜若狂。
- They transcend national borders and generations. 它们超越国界及世代。
- Alexi did not die gloriously in battle. 阿列克斯并不是在战场中光荣捐躯的。
- Such matters transcend human understanding. 这些事情是人类所无法理解的。
- You are just seeing him off gloriously to say that. 你这一句话,不过是光荣地为对方送行。
- Humans should always transcend their limits. 人类应该不断超越自己的极限。
- Be one with the battle yet transcend it. 虽然你可能已经赢得了胜利。