- The example for this exercise is a transaction management program. 可以将一个事务管理程序作为练习的例子。
- Is an application server needed for transaction management? 事务管理需要应用服务器吗?
- When implementing transactional messaging, you create a special QAManager object called a transactional manager. 实现事务性消息传递时,请创建一个名为事务性管理器的特殊QAManager对象。
- The CMT is the easiest and the recommended approach for transaction management. CMT对于事务管理是最简单最值得推荐的方法。
- Object services include security, transaction management and data exchange. 对象服务包括安全、交易管理和数据交换。
- Transaction management features that enforce transaction atomicity and consistency. 事务管理特性,强制保持事务的原子性和一致性。
- The request was sent from the client through the transaction management interface. 该请求是通过事务管理界面从客户端发送的。
- This article aims to demystify some of this magic by showing how and where the transaction management occurs. 本文旨在通过展示事务管理如何发生,以及发生在何处来揭开这个魔术的神秘面纱。
- The Spring AOP module provides transaction management services for objects in any Spring-based application. Spring AOP模块为基于Spring的应用程序中的对象提供了事务管理服务。
- Note that Java object serialization does not have direct support for transaction management. 注意,Java对象序列化并不直接支持事务管理。
- Like the business client, the transaction management aspect is concerned only with its own dimension. 与业务客户一样,事务管理方面只关心它自己的维。
- So in the special environment, the conventional distributed transaction management mechanism has been inapplicable. 因此,在这种特殊的环境下,传统的分布式事务管理机制已不再适用。
- Transaction management is the core of distributed engineering database management system. 事务管理是分布式工程数据库管理系统中核心部分。
- Unlike EJB CMT, which is tied to JTA, Spring declarative transaction management works in any environment. 不象EJB CMT绑定在JTA上,Spring声明式事务管理可以在任何环境下使用。
- Transaction techniques are being used within most operating systems, and transactional file systems and transaction managers are being added to most operating systems. 事务技术被广泛用于操作系统,事务文件系统和事务管理器被加入到了操作系统中。
- Before I can delve into the essentials of the database - queries and transaction management - I need to lay its foundation: object-relation mapping. 在深入到数据库的要素查询和事务管理之前,需要建立它的基础:对象关系映射。
- An address that describes the location of the destination transaction manager. 描述目标事务管理器位置的地址。
- The transaction manager can still send two phase commit notifications instead. 事务管理器仍然可以发送两阶段提交通知。
- Transaction management, session management, and system management SQL statements are processed using the parse and run stages. 用于进行事务管理,会话管理,及系统管理的SQL语句是在解析及运行步骤执行的。再次提交这些语句时就能够重复执行。
- Unlike the example in Listing 1, with declarative transaction demarcation there is no transaction management code in the component methods. 与清单1中的示例不同,由于有宣告式事务划分,这段组件代码中没有事务管理代码。