- transaction response message 交易响应消息
- The response message works the opposite way. 所示,响应消息按相反的方式处理。
- In these cases, the application typically includes the command to delete state within the transaction that sends the final response message and ends the conversation. 在这些情况下,应用程序通常在发送最终响应消息并结束会话的事务中包含用于删除状态的命令。
- A response message to a method call on a remote object. 远程对象上的方法调用的响应消息。
- Gets the response message for the asynchronous call. 获取异步调用的响应消息。
- The control frame in a response message is the status frame. 响应消息中的控制帧是状态帧。
- Each delivers that response message to an output JMS topic. 每个都将响应消息传输给输出JMS主题。
- When using Web tests in a load test, transaction response times are displayed in the transaction table of the Load Test Monitor. 在负载测试中使用Web测试时,事务响应时间会显示在负载测试监视器的事务表中。
- Number of ATP At-least-once transaction responses per second on this port. 在这个端口上的每秒至少一次的ATP事务响应数目。
- Shows what the SOAP response message to the above request looks like. 显示了以上请求的SOAP响应消息的内容。
- Number of ATP Exactly-once transaction responses per second on this port. 在这个端口上的每秒只做一次的ATP事务响应数目。
- Here we list each of the response messages. 这里我们逐一罗列了响应消息。
- How does the server know where the next response message needs to go? 服务器是如何知道下一个响应消息需要去往何处呢?
- If this occurs,the response message will contain the truncated attribute with the value "true". 如果该情况发生,返回的消息将包含一个truncated 属性,且该属性值为true。
- If this occurs, the response message will contain the truncated attribute with the value "true". 如果该情况发生,返回的消息将包含一个truncated 属性,且该属性值为true。
- Depending upon the nature of the XML Web service, it might send a response message in return. 根据XML Web服务的性质,它可能会发送响应消息作为回应。
- The Service API receives a SOAP request message, interprets it, and supports the generation of a SOAP response message. 服务API收到SOAP请求息后,将解释它,和产生应答信息。
- The header is used to pass control information, and the body contains the actual request or response message content. 头信息用于传送控制信息,主体包含实际请求或响应消息内容。
- Header at all - in other words, the response must flow back in the HTTP response message. 头换句话说,响应必须在HTTP响应消息中流回。
- The proxy class does the work to transform the method call into a request message and the response message back into a method return value. 代理类将方法调用转换为请求消息,并将响应消息转换回方法返回值。