- An address that describes the location of the destination transaction manager. 描述目标事务管理器位置的地址。
- The transaction manager can still send two phase commit notifications instead. 事务管理器仍然可以发送两阶段提交通知。
- The deserialization of a transaction fails because the transaction manager cannot be contacted. 事务的反序列化因无法联系事务管理器而失败。
- As such, the transaction manager keeps waiting for a response, and maintains information relevant to this transaction. 因此,事务管理器将继续等待响应,并保留与此事务相关的信息。
- This transaction manager encountered a protocol error with another TIP transaction manager. 该事务管理器与另一TIP事务管理器遇到一个错误。
- The Whereabouts contains an address that describes the location of a transaction manager. “行踪”包含一个地址,该地址描述事务管理器的位置。
- The transaction manager doesn't support an asynchronous operation for this method. 事务管理器不支持这个方法的异步操作。
- The example for this exercise is a transaction management program. 可以将一个事务管理程序作为练习的例子。
- Is an application server needed for transaction management? 事务管理需要应用服务器吗?
- The transaction manager first asks each enlisted resource manager if it is prepared to commit the transaction. 事务管理器首先向每个登记的资源管理器发出询问,了解它是否准备提交事务。
- When the application commits the transaction, the transaction manager initiates the two-phase commit protocol. 在应用程序提交事务时,事务管理器启动两阶段提交协议。
- Open Transaction Manager is installed on your computer, and the Otman. Sys driver for the program is outdated. 计算机上安装了Open Transaction Manager;该程序的Otman.;sys驱动程序是旧版的。
- Facilitates communication between an enlisted transaction participant and the transaction manager during the Prepare phase of the transaction. 促进登记的事务参与者与事务管理器之间在事务的准备阶段中的通信。
- Outcome is reported, the transaction manager looks for the outcome notification in its own internal enlistment and ignores the reported response. 结果,事务管理器会在它自己的内部登记中查找结果通知并忽略报告的响应。
- If the resource manager can prepare, it informs the transaction manager its vote on whether to commit or abort the transaction. 如果资源管理器可以准备,它就通知事务管理器它就提交还是中止该事务进行的投票。
- Interface uses this method to notify the transaction manager that it cannot commit, and that the transaction should be rolled back. 接口的事务参与者使用此方法通知事务管理器它无法提交事务,并且应该回滚该事务。
- The CMT is the easiest and the recommended approach for transaction management. CMT对于事务管理是最简单最值得推荐的方法。
- Object services include security, transaction management and data exchange. 对象服务包括安全、交易管理和数据交换。
- By enlisting, the resource manager ensures that it gets callbacks from the transaction manager when the transaction commits or aborts. 通过登记,资源管理器确保在事务提交或中止时从事务管理器获取回调。
- Note that, after this method is called, the enlisted participant receives no further notifications from the transaction manager. 请注意,在调用此方法之后,登记的参与者不会从事务管理器接收到任何进一步的通知。