- He was accused of being a traitor and a spy to his country. 他被控为叛国者和外国间谍。
- He was sold out by a traitor and arrested. 他被叛徒出卖,被捕了。
- traitor and spy 奸细
- They read the histories and talk about the weapons and spy tools. 他们阅读历史记录,谈论武器和侦察工具。
- He was branded a traitor and was tortured, then killed. 他被打成叛徒,受尽折磨,最后被处死了。
- So the men went up and spied out Ai. 那些人就上去窥探艾城。
- The Chinese traitors and the Japanese imperialists. 应该杀死汉奸,杀死日本帝国主义者。
- They set themselves to hunt down the traitor and to avenge the death of their comrades on him. 他们立即去搜寻叛徒,为死去的同志报仇。
- You go and spy out the land and see if there are any vacant seats near the front. 你去查看一下,前面是否有空位子。
- Guards! We have bandits and spies here! Kill them all! 卫兵!这里有强盗和间谍!杀光他们!
- She had been hounded by the British intelligence and spy services and by Un-American Activities Committees. 她一直受到英国情报部门、间谍机构和美国非美活动委员会的跟踪监视。
- Ishkar branded my ancestors as traitors and ordered their deaths. Ishkar宣判我的祖先们是叛徒并将他们处以死刑。
- He beat the traitor to the draw and shot him dead. 他抢先拔出手枪,将叛徒击毙。
- Are you not the Lieutenant Fernand who served as guide and spy to the French army in Spain? 您不就是那个在滑铁卢开战之前开小差逃走的小弗尔南多吗?
- Go and spy where he is, that I may send and fetch him. And it was told him, saying, Behold, he is in Dothan. 王说,你们去探他在哪里,我好打发人去捉拿他。有人告诉王说,他在多坍。
- I would appear for the rest of my life as a dishonorable traitor and a common scoundrel. 在我今后的余生中,他人将把我看作是一个可耻的卖国贼和卑鄙的小人。
- Hence, such a worshipper of Mammon will be called a traitor and a bloodsucker of the poor. 因此,这种积累财富的行为就是一种背叛、一种剥削穷人的行为。
- I wade chest-high in bleached ryegrass murmuring in the wind, and spy down the rugged coast of California. 高及胸口的黑麦草在风中喃喃低语,在月色下一白如洗,我跋涉其中,沿着加利福尼亚的崎岖海岸探寻。
- Look for more spy pics and spy video of the new Prancing Horse as its debut draws nearer. 寻找更多的间谍照片和间谍视频新法拉利作为首次临近。
- Solzhenitsyn who has died at the age of 89 spent years in labour camps before being denounced as traitor and exiled. 在89岁去世,在被告发成叛徒和流放者之前在劳动营呆了几年。