- Abstract: The aeroelastic analysis of a helicopter rotor blade with the controlled oscillating trailing edge flap is presented by building an aeroelastic model of the new concept rotor blade. 文摘:通过建立带受控振荡附翼的新概念旋翼气动弹性分析模型,研究了采用受控振荡附翼的直升机旋翼气动弹性特性及其在降低旋翼振动载荷方面的有效性。
- The aeroelastic analysis of a helicopter rotor blade with the controlled oscillating trailing edge flap is presented by building an aeroelastic model of the new concept rotor blade. 通过建立带受控振荡附翼的新概念旋翼气动弹性分析模型,研究了采用受控振荡附翼的直升机旋翼气动弹性特性及其在降低旋翼振动载荷方面的有效性。
- trailing edge flap 后缘襟翼
- The movement occurs on the trailing edge of the pulse. 移动是在脉冲的下降沿产生的。
- A variable control surface on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, used primarily to increase lift or drag. 襟翼飞机后翼上最初用来增加上升力或拖力的可灵活控制的辅助翼
- Leading edge and trailing edge means the function of the dimmer. 飞机螺旋桨的前边缘和机翼后边缘是最能够反应调光器的功能的。
- A seagull hit the right wing tip, leading edge flap sustained minor damage. 右翼尖与一只海鸥相撞,前缘襟翼受到轻微损伤。
- I will do this, I didn't care how the current trailing edge turned out. 因为我将这样做,我没有照顾如何目前尾随优势变成。
- Check all leading edge flaps extended. 检查前缘襟翼皆已放出。
- The transition from voltage to no voltage is referred to as the trailing edge of a clock signal. 电感从一定值下降到0值的跃迁叫做时钟信号的后沿。
- AILERON, A hinged moveable part on the trailing edge of each wing for airplane roll (wing up and wing down)control. 副翼,铰连在每个机翼后缘的可动部件,用于控制飞机的滚转(机翼向上和向下)。
- Interesting values may be expected from the trailing edge, the profile centre and the leading edge. 从后缘,叶型中心和前缘可预料得到有价值的数据。
- As mentioned in the definitions section, KS is the trailing edge thickness parameter. 如上定义组是皇尾缘厚度参数.
- Trailing edge blowing wake management technology was adopted to improve the flow of stator wake. 采用尾缘吹气的流动控制技术,改善静子尾迹区流动。
- A hinged moveable part on the trailing edge of each wing for airplane roll (wing up and wing down) control. 铰连在每个机翼后缘的可动部件,用于控制飞机的滚转(机翼向上和向下)。
- Adult: Tail unbarred pale rufous above, slightly paler and greyer below; broad black band along trailing edge of wing. 成鸟:尾羽上部淡棕色,无条纹,下部稍淡而发灰,翼外缘有宽的黑色镶边。
- Juvenile: Tail greyish-buff, finely barred grey; indistinct dark band along trailing edge of wing. 幼鸟:尾羽灰黄色,有细微灰色条纹;翼外缘有宽的黑色镶边不明显。
- The trailing edge shall extend 1 inch past the face of the hoods and the sashes. 后缘要比通风柜表面及拉门多出1英寸。
- AILERON,A hinged moveable part on the trailing edge of each wing for airplane roll (wing up and wing down)control. 副翼,铰连在每个机翼后缘的可动部件,用于控制飞机的滚转(机翼向上和向下)。