- Quoted strings retain their trailing blanks. 引用字符串保留其尾随空白。
- Data, trailing blanks or zeros are not trimmed. 数据中具有尾随空格的列,将不修整尾随空格或零。
- Trailing blanks are stripped only for non-quoted strings. 仅去除非引用字符串的尾随空白。
- NOSTRIP can be used to suppress trailing blank stripping. NOSTRIP可用于取消去除尾随空白。
- The dbmlsrv9 -b command line option can be used to remove trailing blanks from strings during synchronization. 在同步过程中可以使用dbmlsrv9-b命令行选项删除字符串的尾随空白。
- Pad original value (with trailing blanks for char columns and with trailing zeros for binary columns) to the length of the column. 填充原始值(char列具有尾随空格的值,binary列具有尾随零的值),使达到列的长度。
- Pad original value, with trailing blanks for the nchar columns and with trailing zeros for the binary columns, to the length of the column. 填充原始值,后跟尾随空格(对于nchar列)或尾随零(对于binary列),直到达到列的长度为止。
- If ANSI_PADDING is OFF when a char NULL column is created, it behaves like a varchar column with ANSI_PADDING set OFF: trailing blanks are truncated. 如果创建char NULL列时ANSI_PADDING为OFF,则其行为将和ANSI_PADDING设为OFF的varchar列一样:末尾的空格将截断。
- If you must use CHAR, the mlsrv10 -b command line option can be used to remove trailing blanks from strings during synchronization. 如果必须使用CHAR,在同步过程中可以使用mlsrv10-b命令行选项删除字符串的尾随空白。
- Returns the number of characters, instead of the number of bytes, of the given string expression, excluding trailing blanks. 返回给定字符串表达式的字符数(不包括尾随空格),而不是返回字节数。
- Exercise 1-18. Write a program to remove trailing blanks and tabs from each line of input, and to delete entirely blank lines. 练习1-18编写一个程序,删除每个输入行末尾的空格及制表符,并删除完全是空格的行。
- For ASCII files, you can specify the field delimiter for the file, as well as the escape character, whether trailing blanks should be included, and the encoding for the file. 对于ASCII文件,您可以指定文件的字段分隔符、转义字符、是否应包括尾随空白,以及文件的编码。
- In SDF/CICS, a character used in the field definition function of the map editor to indicate that two adjacent fields should be separated according to the number of trailing blank characters in the line. 在客户信息控制系统屏幕定义程序(SDF/CICS)中,用于映象编辑程序的字段定义功能中的一种字符,它根据一行中尾随的空格字符个数来分隔两个相邻字段。
- Columns have the trailing blanks trimmed, and, 列的尾随空格被剪裁
- Delete all trailing blank lines at end of file 删除文件结尾部分中的所有空白行
- The child was trailing a toy car on a string. 小孩用绳子拖着一辆玩具车。
- The party is trailing badly in the opinion polls. 该党在民意测验中大大失利。
- Please fill in the blanks in the sentence. 请做这个句子的填空。
- Her long skirt was trailing along/on the floor. 她的长裙拖在地板上。
- Some of them shall have blank charters. 他们当中一些人将得到行动自由。