- low loading elevator potato sorter 低载升运式马铃薯分级机
- press-baler with loading elevator 带装车升运器的捡拾压捆机
- Also at the Ribs Burnoff is the Army's Special Operations unit, a 48-foot semi trailer loaded with games and gadgetry, including simulators for flying helicopters, parachuting, and scuba diving. 我们的排骨烧烤摊位就在特战队附近是;用48英尺半拖车装载着一些游戏活动设施;包括直升机模拟器;跳伞和佩戴水肺的潜水模拟器.
- A trailer or dwelling place on wheels. 活动住房用汽车拖拽的住所
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- Calculation and Research of Structural Behaviors on Existing Continuous Steel Truss Bridge under Heavy Trailer Load 既有连续钢桁梁桥当重车过桥时结构性能的计算研究
- She will not shove the heavy load onto others. 她不愿意把重担推给别人。
- I supervised the workers loading the lorry. 我监督工人把货物装上卡车。
- He transports his boat by putting it on a trailer behind his car. 他将小艇放在汽车后面的拖车上运输。
- The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。
- They attached the trailer to the car. 他们把拖车挂在汽车后面。
- The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud. 拖拉机拉紧拖缆把拖车从泥中拉了出来。
- I've never heard such a load of garbage! 这麽胡说八道我还从来没听说过。
- Her grief was a heavy load to bear. 她心情沉重,悲不自胜。
- That's a car with a trailer hitched on to it at the back of the road. 路上有一辆背后挂着一辆拖车的汽车。
- The nurse bears a load of anxiety. 那个护士焦虑不已。
- Have they finished loading up yet? 他们把货物装完了吗?
- The dockers are loading the ship with coal. 码头工人正把煤装上船。
- I connected the trailer to the car. 我把拖车接在汽车后。
- A load or burden that is too full or heavy. 超载过量或过重的载荷或负担