- A trailer or dwelling place on wheels. 活动住房用汽车拖拽的住所
- He attached a label to his baggage. 他往行李上贴了一个标签。
- His work is difficult to label accurately. 他的工作很难准确归类。
- Attach the label to your luggage. 把标签贴(系)在你的行李上。
- end of reel trailer label 卷尾结束标号
- He'll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。
- There is a label on the inside of the box. 盒子内侧有个标签。
- Someone has sticked a label on the crate. 有人在板条箱上贴了标签。
- He transports his boat by putting it on a trailer behind his car. 他将小艇放在汽车后面的拖车上运输。
- trailer label format [计] 尾标格式
- user trailer label 用户尾部标号
- They attached the trailer to the car. 他们把拖车挂在汽车后面。
- The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud. 拖拉机拉紧拖缆把拖车从泥中拉了出来。
- trailer label 尾部标记,带终端文件记录,随附标记
- That's a car with a trailer hitched on to it at the back of the road. 路上有一辆背后挂着一辆拖车的汽车。
- He has been given a label of "playboy" by his friends. 他的朋友给他起了一个“花花公子”的绰号。
- file trailer label 文件尾部标记
- Tom has been given the label of "playboy" by his friends. 汤姆被他的朋友们称为"花花公子"。
- I connected the trailer to the car. 我把拖车接在汽车后。
- end of file trailer label 文件尾部结束标志