- Following introduction on status of urban road traffic noise and its perniciousness,recent progresses in urban traffic noise assessment were browsed. 在分析城市道路交通噪声现状的主要危害的基础上,较全面介绍了国内外城市道路交通噪声评价方法的最新进展。
- The traffic noise is a constant irritation to city dwellers. 车辆的噪音对城市居民是永无止境的骚扰。
- Traffic noise is one of the minuses of living on a main road. 车辆的噪音是住在交通干道旁的不利条件之一。
- traffic noise assessment 交通噪声评价
- The traffic noise was muted by the heavy drapes. 厚厚的窗帘减弱了车辆的噪音。
- Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement: Pol. 道路交通噪声分析和消除之政策和指导。
- Traffic noise threatens our peaceful way of life. 车辆噪音威胁着我们宁静的生活。
- The main source is traffic noise. 噪声主要来源于交通噪声。
- Nowadays people are used to traffic noise. 现在人们已习惯了车来车往的噪音。
- The traffic noise is relentless. 车辆的噪音一刻也不停止。
- A consultancy study is under way to assess the technical feasibility of installing noise barriers and enclosures on existing roads for formulating necessary strategies and plans to mitigate excessive traffic noise. 另外又展开了顾问研究,评估在现有道路装置隔音屏障及隔音罩在技术上的可行性,以便制订各项消减过量道路噪音的策略和计划。
- Preventing traffic noise on new roads through careful planning. 透过审慎规划预防新建道路的噪音问题。
- Third, we are tackling traffic noise from existing roads. 第三,我们将致力解决现有道路的交通噪音问题。
- The contractors may also consider to use alternative working methods which are quieter than those assumed in this noise assessment. 承办商也可以考虑使用其他所产生噪音水平较本噪音评估内采用的为低的工作方法。
- How to Abate Traffic Noises in Cities? 如何降低城市机动车辆的噪声?
- The city has le traffic noise and pollution than any other European capital. 这个城市的交通噪音和污染比起欧洲其他国家的首都来都要轻。
- Thanks, guys.The LRT will be far away, and the traffic noise is not so bad. But 海妮妮 is right; some people park their car aside the road; that's anoiying.
- He just wasn't going to put up with all the traffic noise going on day and night. 他就是不想忍受日夜连续不断的交通噪音。
- Pre-emptive planning based on environmental impact assessments remains the most effective way to tackle road traffic noise problems. 在规划时防患未然,仍是对付道路交通噪音问题最有效的方法。
- noise assessment of environmental standard 评价标准