- traffic flow detection radar 车流量检测雷达
- A highway traffic flow detection system is brought forward which can adapt to Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) camera automatically. 摘要提出了一种自适应于可调控摄像机的高速公路交通流检测系统。
- Point through which the incoming traffic flow enters a switching stage. 输入通信量流进入交换站(台)所通过的地方。
- traffic flow detection 交通流检测
- Frame Relay Connection and Traffic Flow Control. 帧中继连接和流量控制。
- The traffic flow system is a vehicles' gather. 交通流中的系统是一组车辆的集合。
- Its application to the detection system of traffic flow can strengthen the timeliness and robustness of the system. 将其应用于交通流检测系统,可增强整个系统的实时性和鲁棒性。
- To monitor light, pollution, air quality and traffic flow. 监测公路上的照明、污染、空气质量和车流量。
- The results show that the FFT method is and effective way for the FMCW detection radar in signal processing. 该结果表明;快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方法是对探测雷达系统的回波信号进行数字信号处理的有效方法.
- In the research of ITS, traffic flow theory is one of the basic. 在智能运输系统(ITS)中,交通流理论研究是基础研究内容之一。
- Traffic flow clearly falls on the trunk line after nine o'clock. 九点以后这条主干道的交通量明显下降。
- In the case of protecting against DDOS attacks, an attack detection algorithm identifies the characteristics of the traffic flow that will be policed. 在防止DDOS攻击的情况下,一个攻击检测算法鉴别会被管制的流量的特性。
- The life detection radar is developed for human life signals detection, location and status recognition by the doppler effect of body movements, breathing and heartbeat. 摘要生命探测雷达根据人体的体动、心跳和呼吸运动所产生的多普勒效应对生命信号进行探测、定位和状态识别。
- The traffic flowed round the obstruction. 车辆绕过障碍行驶。
- It introduces the application of earth- detective radar technique in constru. 介绍探地雷达技术在复杂地基施工中的应用。
- Constant streams of traffic flowed past. 车流不断通过。
- The traffic flows past the church all day. 车辆整天川流不息地经过教堂。
- Effect of limited velocity on traffic flow is studied with cellular automaton. 摘要运用元胞自动机模型研究单车道路面上设立限速区对交通流的影响。
- Submesoscale Coastal Ocean Flows Detected by Very High Frequency Radar and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. 甚高频雷达和自控潜水艇探测到的次中尺度沿岸海流。
- Each microsatellite would have a bistatic receiver that would not only detect radar signals bouncing off Earth from its own transmitter,but also the signals sent by its neighbors,improving the resolution of the images collected. 每颗微型卫星都将配备一套双稳态接收器,不仅能接收自身发射器发出的地面返回信号,也能接收其邻近微型卫星发出的信号,以此提高所采集图像的分辨率。