- Human-based traffic management in U.S.A. 美国交通的人性化管理。
- Mr Colman Ng, Assistant Director-General of Civil Aviation (Air Traffic Management),was appointed as an Official Justice of Peace (JP) with effect from July 1. 民航处助理处长(航空交通管理)伍崇正获委任为太平绅士,任期由七月一日开始。
- To develop tools to simulate advanced traffic management systems. 开发能够模拟高级交通管理系统的工具;
- As a VTS tool, to enhance shipping traffic management. 作为VTS的工具,加强船舶的交通管理。
- It is ideally suited for business-critical, high-speed services because of the benefits of advanced traffic management. 由于先进流量管理带来的好处它非常适合关键业务的高速服务。
- It is ideally suited for business-critical,high-speed services because of the benefits of advanced traffic management. 鉴于先进流量管理带来的好处,它非常适合关键业务的高速服务。
- The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager. 经理助理到这里来是代替经理办几件小事的。
- Traffic Management Services and Information Model for Interfaces between Operations Systems and Networks Elements. 在运行系统与网元间接口的业务管理服务和信息模型。
- Implement traffic management scheme, such as restricting or diverting traffic at certain sensitive hours. 实施交通管理计划,如禁止车辆于敏感时段行驶部份道路或进行交通改道。
- Traffic prediction plays an important role in network layout,traffic management and etc. 网络流量预测在网络规划、流量管理等方面起着重要的作用。
- The Vice General Manager and Manager assist the General Manager for the operation. 副总经理、部门经理协助总经理工作。
- London's anti-congestion scheme, by contrast, is an overachiever, at least when it comes to traffic management. 与此相反的是伦敦的公路反堵塞系统,它来到交通管理中时只能算得上个学生。
- I am an exact man and I keep diary for 10 years. I believe I am suitable for the work of Manager Assistant. 我是个讲求精确的人,10年里我坚持记日记。我相信自己适合经理助理这一工作。
- Available Bit Rate (ABR) flow control is an effective measure in ATM network congestion control and traffic management. 自适应比特速率(ABR)业务的流量控制是ATM网络中一种有效的拥塞控制机制和流量管理手段。
- Remarks: General manager,general manager assistant and financial department manager 's phoning area code is 021-. 备注:总经理史琪、总经理助理徐伟、财务部经理刘振斌的电话、传真区号为021-。
- In Yiwu, First attempt to work for International trading biz in An Indian Trading Company as a Manager Assistant. 来义乌,在浙江义乌半年的外贸翻译,电子商务半年经验,希望可以做货运销售,赚钱多一点
- Propose the traffic management measures and signal prioritization for different BRT system. 根据不同的BRT系统提出了相适应的交通管理措施和信号优先方案;
- Remarks: General manager and general manager assistant's phoning area code is 021-. 备注:总经理史琪、总经理助理徐伟的电话、传真区号为021-。
- Traffic management,congestion control and quality-of-service (QoS) issues that until recently fell on ATM's lap now become Gigabit Ethernet's concern. 流量管理、拥挤控制以及最近才落到ATM头上的服务质量(QoS)问题,现在也成了千兆位以太网关心的问题。
- Peng GaoGeneral Manager Assistant, Manager of Financing and Construction Department, Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. 高朋,北京市基础设施投资有限公司总经理助理,兼任融资建设部经理。