- What traditional thought does he hold to criticize Xiong Shili? 他立足于什麽样的思想传统批评熊十力?
- I doubt anyone will want to revitalize traditional thought. 我怀疑有哪个西方人想恢复传统思维。
- Chinese Traditional Thought of Moral Psychology and Its Meanings in Modern Times. 中国传统德育心理学思想及其现代意义。
- At the same time, affected by Chinese traditional thought, Hedger's thought has what meaning for Chinese aesthetics? 同时,海德格尔作为一位深受中国思想影响的西方思想家,他的思想对于中国美学又有什么样的意义?
- He has never been restrained by traditional thinking. 他从不受传统思想的束缚。
- Tagore's view of nature is the product of combining Indian traditional thought with the view of nature embodied in western modern science. 摘要泰戈尔的自然观是印度传统思想与西方现代科学自然观相结合的产物。
- The idea of new literature originating from the people is a heavy blow to the aristocratic literature and traditional thought. 胡适提出新文学的来源皆在民间,打击了贵族文学和传统思想。
- Due to the affect of the traditional thought and the restricting factors that economic theory lagged behind.having influenced our country P. 由于受传统观念的影响以及经济理论研究滞后等因素的制约,已影响到我国体育经济的健康发展。
- The entrepreneur's obligation, traditional thought, social culture, idea for improvement combined constituted Rong Desheng's thoughts for charity and public welfare. 摘要企业家的职责与传统思想、西方文化、改良理念熔于一炉,构成荣德生的慈善公益思想的渊源。
- The group quickly realized how inefficient processes, poor communication, duplication of effort, lack of training and traditional thought affect customer satisfaction and profitability. 小组成员马上就会意识到效率低下的流程,不良的沟通,重复的劳动,缺乏培训以及传统的思维将会严重影响客户满意度及公司利润。
- An example of this is stream classes, which are traditionally thought of as open or closed. 流类即是这样一种示例,传统上认为它们要么打开要么关闭。
- In the changing information time, the experience of the past is doubted and traditional thinking is challenged. 面对一个变幻,交错的信息时代,过往的经验要面对不同的质疑,传统思维都要受到纷繁,异象的挑战。
- Lexis and grammar are traditionally thought of as separate strands in EFL teaching and learning. 人们一般把词汇和语法看作是外语教学中两个不同的领域。
- In every generation, there seems to be a counterculture that rejects traditional thinking while promoting their own causes. 每一代人似乎都有反传统文化,他们摈弃传统思维,促进自己的利益。
- This is partly because scientists have traditionally thought that an itch was a less intense form of pain. 部分原因是科学家用传统老观点认为搔痒是疼痛的低度感觉形式。
- This is partly because scientists have tediously traditionally thought that an itch was a less intense form of pain. 部分原因是科学家们一直认为瘙痒是强烈疼痛的一种。
- In the mergence of public health and Chinese traditional thinking the Chinese society gradually regain the initiative. 在公共卫生观念与中国传统相互交融的过程中,中国社会的角色开始是被动的,尔后逐步转向积极主动。
- Netizen: You bravely to the traditional thinking of launching a challenge, I admire your courage. 网友:您勇猛的向传统思想发起了挑战,很佩服您的勇气。
- All outmoded traditional thinking; any irrational system which obstructs social progress or human development. 我觉得有一根鞭子在抽打我的心,又觉得仿佛有什么鬼魂借我的笔为自己伸冤一样。
- All outmoded traditional thinking; any irrational system which obstructs social progress or human development. 一切旧的传统观念,一切阻止社会进步和人性发展的不合理的制度。