- Modern dance involves a lot of body shaking, and traditional dance is graceful. 传统舞蹈和现代舞蹈有什么区别。
- Haka is the generic term for a traditional dance of the Maori people. “哈卡”是毛利人一种传统舞蹈的通称。
- Compared with Chinese traditional dance and ballet, modern dance puts more emphasis on self-expression. 现代舞比民族舞、芭蕾舞更强调自我意识
- But the old ways do not vanish overnight, so the traditional dance has a stronger pull on their hearts. 旧的风俗习惯很难一下子改掉, 因此传统的舞蹈对他们仍然有较大的吸引力。
- No, I did not use a traditional dance that includes lots of kicking and flailing to help me space the pickets. 不我并没有用我们传统的需要很多敲打和锁扣的方法来帮我协调这些柱子。
- Tatsumi Hijikata was a seminal postwar artist who shattered traditional dance framework. 土方巽是一个战后萌芽的艺术家,打碎了传统舞蹈的框架。
- Flat-footing is a traditional dance in which dancers' feet are kept flat as they make some very fancy moves. 扁足舞是一种常规舞蹈,跳扁足舞时,舞者在做一些非常花俏的动作时,脚必须尽量保持扁平。
- That's what the kids in the photo are doing when they do the hula, a traditional dance of Hawaii. 那就是照片中的小孩正在做的事,他们正在跳草裙舞,即夏威夷的传统舞蹈。
- The traditional dance performed by the Hoklo women on receiving bride at Sha Tau Kok and Tai Wong Yah Festival at Tai Po. 辑录鹤佬妇女在沙头角接新娘及在大埔大王爷诞时所跳的传统舞蹈。
- Ouyang Yuqian, who was an expert in Peking Opera and modern arts, also contributed a lot to the renovation of traditional dance. 而深谙京剧艺术又学习了现代艺术的欧阳予倩,更对传统舞蹈的创新做出了不可磨灭的贡献。
- You can also see Maori traditional dances at the Auckland Museum. 在奥克兰博物馆,可以看到毛利人表演传统舞蹈。
- I like traditional Mexican food and traditional dancing. 我喜欢传统的墨西哥饭菜和传统的舞蹈。
- Raks Sharki in Middle East, Central Asia and Egypt, is an traditional dance which is believed it was Originated from Middle East. 阿拉伯肚皮舞是中东、中亚和埃及的古老的传统舞蹈。一般认为阿拉伯肚皮舞起源于中东地区。
- They swayed as they sang, carrying swords and rifles and performing a traditional dance of tribesman going off to war or returning home. 他们载歌载舞,手持刀剑和步枪,表演了部落男子奔赴战场或返回家园的传统舞蹈。
- The panel of judges who chose Lin for the award praised him for creating dance liberated from the confines of traditional dance without ignoring his cultural heritage. 评审团选出林怀民给奖是为称赞他创作舞码突破传统舞蹈的限制,又不会忽视文化传统。
- Traditional dances include the waltz, quickstep, tango, foxtrot, and so on. 传统舞蹈包括华尔兹、快步舞、探戈、狐步舞等等。
- He worked on nice choreographies for all the traditional dances of the island. 从此以后,他开始致力于编排所有属于库拉索岛的民间舞蹈。
- With sample noble, rigorous modern advertisement design compare, if postmodern advertising designs uncouple to have more wanton to spend freely children equally traditional dance of chains. 同品味高尚,严谨的现代广告设计相比,后现代广告设计如脱开传统枷锁的舞蹈的孩子一样任意挥霍他们的年轻与灵动。
- The dance in this piece represents the Kava ceremony and is derived from the traditional dances of Samoa. 作品中的舞蹈象徵卡瓦的欢迎仪式,由萨摩亚传统舞蹈演变过来。
- There were some dance performance organized by the tourism board.So, at least Jesson had the chance to have a look at local traditional dance performances.But, there were not much people watching... 还好旅游局有安排一些舞蹈节目;可惜的是观众没几个...但是也多亏有了他们;我才能够让小升见识一下本地的传统舞蹈.