- That would still leave a substantial trade deficit. 这样仍然会出现巨额贸易逆差。
- One's record trade deficit with. 创纪录的贸易逆差。
- They are often disturbed by the trade deficit. 他们常常被赤字困扰。
- So, the trade deficit with Japan was $46.2 billion. 因此,美国对日本的贸易逆差达462亿美元。
- The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade. 当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进出口贸易严重失调。
- Twin deficits refer to budget deficit and trade deficit. 双赤字指预算赤字和外贸赤字。
- The trade deficit remains the soft underbelly of the US economy. 贸易赤字仍是美国经济的软肋。
- A widening trade deficit acts as a drag on the economy. 扩大贸易赤字作为经济的拖累。
- To help cut a big trade deficit, nearly 1m tonnes was exported. 为了有助于减少大的贸易赤字,近100万吨的小麦都用于了出口。
- The trade deficit seems to have improved over the last two months. 过去两个月来,贸易赤字似乎有所改善。
- Entire trade deficit door above of the % that amount to ZO.. 全行业亏损户达ZO%25以上...
- But the problems are foreign debts and trade deficit. 但是问题是外债和贸易赤字。
- Similarly, a stronger yuan would do little to dent America's trade deficit. 与此类似的是,更为强劲的(民币)对削减美国的贸易逆差不会起什么作用。
- No nation wants to run a continuous trade deficit with other countries. 没有一个国家愿意自己同他国的贸易处于持续的赤字状态。
- High oil prices are increasing the US trade deficit, the report says. 该报告称,高昂的油价使美国贸易赤字日益扩大。
- And the impact of the trade deficit is not so serious as USTR stressed. 并且美国对华的贸易逆差与美国对日本的贸易逆差是有着本质区别。
- A stronger Chinese currency would not much reduce America's trade deficit. 一个强大的中国货币不会大大减轻美国的贸易逆差。
- Therefore, the trade deficit in cotton textiles amounted to a record of 1 million bales of raw cotton in 1978. 所以棉织品贸易的逆差在1978年创造了一百万包原棉当量的记录。
- The current trade deficit indicate a serious imbalance between our import and export trade. 当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进出口贸易严重失调。
- The biggest myth of all is that a revaluation of the yuan would greatly reduce America's trade deficit. 最大的谬论是,人民币升值将极大的减少美国的贸易逆差。