- tradable mission right 排污权交易
- He was head of a French trade mission to the United States. 他是法国派往美国的贸易代表团团长。
- The trade minister with a trade mission pay a visit to that country. 贸易部长率贸易代表团对那个国家进行了访问。
- He is the leader of a trade mission to Japan. 他是赴日本贸易代表团的领队。
- He leads a trade mission to China . 他率贸易代表团来中国。
- He leads a trade mission to china. 他率贸易代表团来中国。
- Responsibility lays with our company for the bungled trade mission. 生意搞砸了,责任在我们公司。
- He is head of a french trade mission to the united state. 他是法国派往美国的贸易代表团团长。
- A Chinese trade mission has been dispatched to Japan. 一个中国贸易代表团已被派往日本。
- The trade minister with a trade mission paid a visit to that country. 贸易部长率贸易代表团对那个国家进行了访问。
- Connects China organizes trade Mission delegations from China and U. 美国联华公司组织中美贸易促进代表团赴美国及中国访问。
- Don't imagine that when you go on a trade mission overseas our customers will regale you with champagne and cigars. 不要以为你去国外谈生意时我们的客房会用香槟和雪茄款待你。
- Participate in overseas trade missions. 参加国外贸易考察团。
- Jiangsu Economic and Trade Mission, headed by Mr. Wang Rongbing, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province. 江苏省副省长率领的江苏省经贸代表团。
- There is a long history of trade between China and the UK, and the trade mission has received enthusiastic support from UK companies. 英中两国贸易往来的历史源远流长,英国公司非常高兴看到极富实力的英国气候变化贸易代表团到访中国。
- State materials on the China trade mission include the following tips for Hawaii business people meeting prospective Chinese partners. 关于对中国国家物资贸易的任务包括下列夏威夷商务人事会晤中国未来合作伙伴条款。
- Kaifeng City in Henan party and government delegation and trade mission in Shanghai yesterday held investment seminars to promote business advantage. 河南开封市党政代表团和经贸团昨天在沪举行投资说明会,推介优势招商项目。
- In 2005, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger toured China on a six-day trade mission to peddle his state's produce, technology and raw materials. 2005年,加州州长施瓦辛格对中国进行了为期6天的商贸之旅,以推销加州的产品、技术和原材料。
- UK companies are urgently looking for further CDM projects to invest in and the response to the trade mission confirms the enormous potential for CDM in China. 英国公司迫切希望更多的CDM项目落户中国并随之引入中国这一CDM项目的庞大潜在市场。
- Canada's premiers are now considering a trade mission of their own to China, as if to fill a gap, but our companies need to have confidence in Ottawa's approach, too. 加拿大的领导人现在也在考虑组织自己的贸易代表团去中国,似乎要填补一个空缺,但是我们的商业界也要对渥太华的方式有信心。