- She manage to keep control of her car on the ice. 她在冰上开车时,尽力控制住了汽车。
- She struggled to keep control of her voice. 她竭力控制住自己的声音。
- The teacher could not keep control of the class any longer. 这位老师再也控制不住那班学生了。
- But ponderous attempts to keep control may dampen the Olympic mood. 但是大力地企图保持控制可能会给奥运的良好氛围带来不利影响。
- An aircraft noise and flight track monitoring system was installed in June to help evaluate the track keeping performance and noise impact of flights operating to and from the Kai Tak Airport. 民航处于六月安装了一套航机噪音及航道监察系统,以便评估航机按航道飞行的表现及在启德机场升降时所造成的噪音。
- Old as he is, the boss keeps control of the whole factory. 尽管年纪很大了,老伴仍然保持着对工厂的控制。
- Carry out the lifting movement smoothly, raising the chin as the lift begins, keeping control of the load. 平稳地做提升移动,随着物体开始提升而提升下额,并保持对物体的有效控制。
- Old as he is,the boss keeps control of the whole factory. 尽管年纪很大了,老伴仍然保持着对工厂的控制。
- Probably the most important thing on the map is capturing the Tiberium Spikes and keeping control of them. 占领矿柱并保持控制它们,也许是地图上最重要的事情了。
- Results The different extents of respiratory track keep in touch with obstacle, serve infect, sour alkalies out-of-balance,suck improper, calm medicines unwiseuse were discovered in senile patients. 结果老年肺性脑病患者存在不同程度的呼吸道通气障碍、严重感染、酸碱平衡、吸氧不当、镇静药物应用不当。
- It meant keeping control of whatever new vampires you created, like Jasper had done when he'd lived with Maria. 这都是为了管好你制造出来的新生的吸血鬼,就像和玛丽亚住在一起时雅斯珀做的一样。
- Keeping control of your vehicle in strong winds, particularly near high-sided vehicles, demands quick and positive reactions. 在强风中驾驶,特别是驶近高车身的车辆时,需要有快速和断然的反应,加强控制行车。
- Praise has been heaped on the BA crew for keeping control of the plane and bringing it down without anyone sustaining serious injury. 事故发生之后人们对英航的机组人员大为赞赏,是他们使飞机平安着陆并且没有造成大的人员伤亡。
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
- It enable the control system to keep control performance in the condition of the distinguishability doesn't exist. 它能使控制系统在可分辨性不存在的条件下仍能保证控制性能。
- There are rumors of plots, and your mother is struggling to keep control of the kingdom - and keep you alive. 你的母亲不停地与这些人做着斗争,是为了能保住这个国家,也是为了保住你的命!
- Keep track of the time you actually travel. 把你旅行的实际时间记录下来。
- New Zealand kept control of the ball until the break and Fiji looked out of it. 新西兰保留了球的控制直到从它看的裂缝和斐济。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- That turned her thoughts to the way Ender had coddled her at the end, pretending to trust her as before but actually keeping control. 这让她回想起安德在最后对她的关照,假装像从前那样信任她,但暗中掌握着控制权。