- Trace an analogy between pastoral poetry and landscape painting. 找出田园诗和风景画之间的相似之处。
- He draw an analogy between human body and society. 他将人体和社会作了类比。
- The teacher draws an analogy between the human heart and a pump. 教师打了一个比喻,把人的心脏比作水泵。
- trace an analogy between 在
- The teacher draw an analogy between the human heart and a pump. 教师打了一个比喻,把人的心脏比作唧筒。
- The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump. 老师把人类的心脏和泵作类比。
- There is an analogy between the human heart and a pump. 人的心脏和泵有类似之处。
- She drew an analogy between learning English and building a house. 她打了个比方,把学英语比作建房子。
- The teacher drew an analog between the human heart and a pump. 教师打一个比喻,把人的心脏比作唧筒。
- Shakespeare makes an analogy between the citizens of country and the parts of a person's body. 莎士比亚把一个国家中的国民类比为人身体的各个部分。
- There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels. 水波流动的方式与光的传播方式有相似之处。
- As to their relationship,the writer made an analogy between SLA and what happens in a factory. 关于二者之间的关系,作者以工厂中工人学徒做了类比。
- Chapter Three sets out to explore Nelly"s functions in the story by drawing an analogy between the family and the human psyche. 第三章将家庭与人的精神进行类比,着手探究耐莉在故事中的作用。
- As a matter of fact, our forefathers long ago already drew an analogy between the hen and a human, as witness the Chinese idiom "No hen crows at dawn" (meaning "No woman is to usurp man's power") in The Book of History: Mu Shi. 其实,古人早就以鸡喻人了,《尚书·牧誓》里就有“牝鸡无晨”之句。
- To quicken the pace of its educational development, Japan is active in learning the educational experience of other countries.There is an analogy between the educational transplanting of the U. 日本的教育借鉴主要有两次高潮,为了加快本国教育发展的步伐,积极学习别国先进的教育经验。
- There's no analogy between his position and yours. 他的见解与你的并无相似之处。
- draw an analogy between two things 指出两物间之相似处
- Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal, with steps between specified levels. 利用规定量化间隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。
- A comparison indicating likeness; an analogy. 类比,比较一种指出相似之处的比较;类比
- Visitors trace an ancient civilisation in a rain forest filled with life-sized replicas of wild animals and plants. 这是一道以雨林为背景的探险径,林中有如实物般巨大、栩栩如生的机动野兽,游客可沿途探寻古代文化遗迹,体验一次历奇旅程。